Chapter 13

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*Niall's POV*

Two weeks later and still most of the rubble was lying everywhere, we first took care of the wounded and the dead. We also first made sure the most important buildings were fixed, like stores, hospitals, pharmacies, schools. That way everybody had food, a place to stay, a place to heal and medications at the ready when it was needed. We only started rebuilding houses when the rest was taken care of.

Everybody helped, no matter what occupation, religion, skin colour or the amount of money they had... No matter what strengths, weaknesses, thoughts or dreams people had, it was one for all and all for one. It was amazing to see how easily people could be accepted, throw away their prejudices when they are in the same situation.

People still were excepting us, even though we made their lives miserable the previous years... Somehow us helping them made everything better. It's like all was forgotten and forgiven and none of us understood why they would do that. We still expected people to attack us later on, to throw us in jail now that we were showing that we could be vulnerable, that we could care and love. The feeling of unity and belonging somewhere was amazing, it had been a really long time since we fitted somewhere else than with the five of us, but we still didn't trust it.

"Hey Ni, how are you doing? You look tired."

"I'm okay Lou, I'm just worried and knackered I guess."

"Why don't you give your body and mind some rest and just go to bed. You have been working harder than any of us. We can handle ourselves a few hours without you."

"Are you sure? I mean, I made this mess, I need to clean it up."

"You didn't make this mess Ni, you chose the right side before Alan did his first attack. You collected money, built safe houses, helped people train. Thanks to you we didn't get killed, thanks to you we were prepared. So yeah, you can go to bed and sleep. You have done more than any of us."

"I just don't want to leave you again Lou."

"Sweetie, I'm going to miss you so much, but I am worried about you and I will only be reassured when I see your cheeks blush, your hair shine, your laugh big and your eyes sparkle. So please for me."

"Okay, but when are we going to talk? I cannot lose you again Lou, I will not lose you again..."

"We will talk tonight, after you woke up. I promise. Just... don't be afraid of losing me, because if you hadn't walked out, I would have still been there for you, cause it's been you all this time Ni, the old you or the new you, I don't care. I love them both."

Louis kissed me gently and took my hand in his. We walked to the closest hospital where rooms were available for us to sleep in. He laid himself on the bed and opened his arms for me. Not even kicking my shoes or taking my pants off, I got in between his arms and soaked up on his warmth. This is the thing I had missed the most, being close to Lou, being able to be near him, to feel him, to lose myself in him.

"I will stay here with you until you fall asleep. After that I'm going to help the others out, but if you need me, I'm one phone call away, I promise. If you need me, for no matter what, I will be here as fast as I can.", he whispered in my ear and I heard the honesty in his voice. He started caressing my head and giving small kisses on my head. My eyes closed and I fell asleep really fast. I guess I was more tired than I wanted to believe and Lou was my ultimate sleeping drug, well any drug to be fair.

I woke up a few hours later after a very restless dream... You know, the usual, boy meets boy, boy messes up, boy gets left behind not only by friends and family but also by the love of his life. Boy falls in a deep depression and kills himself. And that's when I woke up. I made the promise to myself that I would not do anything stupid if Lou decided that he would not have me. The things I have done wrong were massive, but I will never let him live with the guilt because I might have killed myself. I cannot be that selfish.

When I arrived outside I inhaled as much fresh air as I could, I stood there for some time while the wind caressed my skin, the rain patted my hair and the bit of sun that came through the clouds warmed my bones.

Before I really had the time to gather myself together again, arms wrapped themselves around my hips and lips attached themselves to my cheek.

"God, I will never get over your beauty Niall."


"Who else sleepyhead. If someone ever says that to you I will yank them away from you and drop them from the sky."

"Ha ha Lou, besides you shouldn't say that."

"Okay, cut it out... I think it is time for our talk here. Or better for me to talk and for you to listen."

"Sure, but can you promise me one thing?"

"Of course."

"If you are going to tell me that you don't want me, make it quick yeah."

Lou sighs and ruffles his hair, desperation filling his face. To be fair, I don't know why he has that look, but I don't like it.

"Ni, sweetie, listen to me... I know you feel guilty for running away and I know you feel guilty for starting that army with Alan, but it is not completely your fault. Yes, you should have let your true feelings out and yes, you shouldn't have kept quiet about them. Also you should have been the real you and not the one you thought we wanted you to be... But, we had to see your anger sooner, we shouldn't have taken it as just anger but as something more, we should have given you more space instead of pushing you and I shouldn't have flirted with Haz all the time cause a) I knew he liked Li and b) I know it bothered you a lot. The reason I did is was because I hoped you would tell me you didn't like it. That you would tell me that you liked me, that you had the seem feelings as I had. That you wanted me to be yours. You just never did, so I enjoyed the bit of attention I got. Truth be told, even though it felt good, it didn't feel right. The moments we were cuddled up on the couch or just hugged each other hello, were the best moments of my life and then you bolted. You left me, without saying a word, just a note... After that I wasn't allowed to look for you, but it did Ni, I did, cause I cannot live without you. When I found you, my heart almost left my chest. You were alive and fine and you listened to me, to me of all people. Not Haz, not Li, not Zee... Me. The glimpse of hope that was almost diminished became bigger again, filled my heart and showed me that there was something in you that hadn't given up on us. You fought with us, you fought so hard, you were a one man army and I am so proud for changing your believes, you faith, for putting it in the right people. I'm not going to give up on you Ni. Sure you are going to have to find yourself and we are going to have to learn how to trust each other again, but if we do everything out of love, how can it turn bad, rotten?"

"I don't know Lou, but I don't have as much faith in myself as you have."

"That's what I am here for. I have faith in you and you have faith in me. I look out for you and you look out for me okay."

"Deal, I can do that. It is easier to focus on someone I love than on myself."

"You love me?"

"I have always loved you Lou, from the moment our eyes met. Never will I be able to stop loving you."

"So if you love me and I love you, how about you say yes."

"To what?"

"You becoming my boyfriend. Just say yes Ni, just say yes."

"I'd love too."

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