Chapter 4

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*Liam's POV*

Niall had been gone for three days. The longest and weirdest days of my life. No hard laughter, no happy hopping around, no stupid jokes and a fridge full of food. All of us had taken turns in finding him. Well, Harry, Zayn and I. We looked around town, the surrounding cities, but he seemed to have disappeared.

We never gave up though. None of this was the same without Niall. The terrorizing had stopped, our friend was more important. The good thing was that people still were afraid of us, so they probably thought it was one of our new things. Wait them out and they strike twice as hard. Let them believe that, it's less work for us.

Lou never stopped looking though. He sat on his bed all the time, searching for the pull he had with our friend. Whenever we looked at him, he seemed to be in a trance or meditating. He didn't get off that bed, not to eat, to take a shower, stretch his legs, sleep... All of us were worried and kept a close eye on him. Louis knows more about this than us, we are so sure about it, but we don't want to push him. With every day passing Lou's face gets more sad, more desperate. He blames himself, but he doesn't want to tell us why.

Once in a while Niall leaves a trail though. He makes the news with all the destruction he leaves. Last time the reporters found him he was in Dublin, but he also had been in Leeds, Manchester, Cork and Antwerp. People always got hurt and Niall always looked very menacingly. His green onesie stained and dirty, his hair nearly brown again. No, the Niall we knew was slowly disappearing and we felt helpless.

*Two weeks later*

There was still no sign of Niall. Lou was still sitting on his bed. We were still looking for him. Little notes kept finding us though.

Stop Looking for me.

I'm Sorry.

Take care of Lou.

Does he even eat? Make Lou eat.


Make him forget about me.

I love you, all of you.

Continue with what you do, just without me.

These notes got us sad, angry, upset, confused and annoyed. We never showed them to Lou. He already was more bones than flesh and he cried none stop. The notes would have destroyed him. If he ever finds out we are keeping them from him he is going to kill us, but we are willing to take that risk. The last note we got came today and I have the feeling it is the last note we will ever get.

I'm not just bad anymore, I am evil.

To the core. You cannot save me.

Run, save yourself.

Bit overly dramatic isn't he? I have never been annoyed with Niall, until now. To be honest, I Cannot wait 'til I see him again, I will hit him so hard in the face his ears will ring, his eyes will wobble in his head and his brain might actually work again. That boy drives me insane, aarrggghhh. Even if he doesn't want to be seen with us anymore, can he not have the decency to say a proper goodbye to Lou.

"Li, look at this!", Harry came running in the house with a newspaper in hand. "I was on my usual round to find Ni and my eyes landed on this article. Apparently another force has hit London. People are being tortured and then left behind without any help. About 10 people have died in the last few days. They are trying to pin this on us, but for some bizarre reason people are telling the police that it is not us."

My eyes fell out of their sockets.

"Wow, what! Deaths? That's not us! We do a lot, but we do not kill!"

" I know Li. Look I'm not finished. Some people asked us for a town meeting. They know something is up and they are still frightened, but they want to know what is happening and if we can help them."

"That is the stupidest request I have ever heard. It's not our problem mate."

"Li, come on, maybe not... But don't you think that it's weird? Niall disappears, we stop bullying the people and another wave of fear hits them."

"Who says it isn't Niall? It's not like whoever it is kills them. He just leaves them to fend for themselves."

"No, it is too brutal, I cannot and will not believe that it is our friend."

"Ex- friend Haz."

We kept looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Come on Li, I can't hurt okay. If they annoy us we just leave, but maybe they have more information about this new force and if it really is Ni as you think it is... it will help us find him."

"Fine! For Niall... But if it is him and we get him back, he will have to crawl for his forgiveness. Oh and I'm not going unless Zayn agrees. I'm not even going to try and convince Lou."

Zayn agreed to go, so we left a 'little' message to the people of London.

We wrecked every car in the neighbourhood and made a message with their parts.

Townmeeting tonight. Cityhall. 8pm. This is your only chance!

They'll get the message. Especially after we lit them on fire. It is bound to be filmed from an helicopter and to be broadcasted on the news.

Of course we couldn't be there on time, come on what do they think of us right.... Idiots.

So when the clock struck 8.45, we slammed the doors open and walked to the front, our shoulders touching each other, no emotions on our faces.

We took our place upfront and looked around. The room was packed with people. Looks of relief, fear, confusion on their faces. It was hilarious. They were so petty, they just didn't know it. Whispers filled the room. Parents were holding their kids close to them. 

It really was a weird situation. They were afraid of us but even more afraid of whatever that was out there. So it was choosing between cancer and cholera and when the decision was made they were praying to find the cure. In this case their cure was our help.

We glared at them. The tension was so thick you could actually cut it with a knife. After about 20 minutes we decided it was time to get to business.

"You get exactly 5 minutes to tell us what you know."

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