Chapter 14

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*Liam's POV*

We were a month further and all the rubble was gone, most houses were rebuilt and life continued the way it did before the attack. Only one thing had changed. Even though we still felt like annoying others and getting our frustrations out by being idiots, we couldn't do it here anymore. The people were so much nicer, especially now they knew who we were at day and at night. We didn't have to hide ourselves and our powers anymore. People high five'd us on the street, smiled at us, told us we did a good job and when we were annoyed by things they actually told us to blow of steam and gave us permission to throw trees and rocks around. We just couldn't do it anymore. How do you terrorize people you know from head to toe, you have fought with to win the same battle, you have worked with to rebuilt the places all of us love? So we tried to keep it in or just scream real loudly.

All of the boys were doing really well, Louis and Niall were so happy together and they were seriously adorable. They tried to do everything together and never fight. They knew what it was to nearly lose each other and to be separated for a long time. Some times we found a note on the refrigerator, telling us that both of them just needed time together without interference or constant cooing from us. It was okay though, we really want to give them that time to work on their relationship and on their trust issues. Sure, they had a long way to go, but they would get there.

Zayn was enjoying his single status. He dated a new girl every night and took them out dancing, to dinner or just to the cinema. Girls were lining up to date him and who was he to say no right? Zayn wasn't looking for the one, but we noticed this blonde girl coming back regularly. Ever since he met her, he also stopped the physical contact with other women. Obviously he denied all of that, but we knew better. Zayn just really deserved a good woman by his side, someone who loved him and all his little, not so good, things. Smoking, swearing and his leather jackets were three things he would never give up for anyone, not even for the love of his life. We could tell that he still had issues letting the girl in, but we believe that if she really wass the right one for Zayn, everything would be okay.

Then there was Harry, Hazza, Haz. The boy I couldn't stop looking at, the boy I couldn't stop loving. Since that one loving moment a month ago, he laid low with his cuddling... The feeling of his lips on my cheek, of his arms around me has been leaving me cold and lonely. To be fair, I felt like I did something wrong, or that my insecurities were holding him back. Maybe it was even because without our secret identities I'm just Liam, unpopular, uncool Liam. Also, if you looked at Lou, Ni, Zee... I would never be able to compete with them for Haz' attention. So yeah, I have been ignoring him a bit. It was better to get over him than to hurt myself over him, but how did you get over someone as perfect as Harry? I was completely losing myself and I didn't know what to do anymore.

For now I was trying to concentrate myself on the birthday bash Niall and I were planning. Our birthdays were so close together that we just wanted to something together for everyone that wanted to come. We were in need of some fun after everything with Alan and Niall agreed with me. Both of us were turning 20 and both of us didn't feel like it. Leaving our childhood behind and growing up was something we really feared. How did we have to act now that our teenage years have left us. Louis told us to not be bothered about it, cause he didn't either and we still liked him. Maybe if I grew up and worked out some more and became more independent I might be more attractive for Haz. Then again, I have been working out more the last month. My muscles were more defined, I cut my hair shorter and I have been dressing more grungy. Plaid shirts, ripped jeans, hats. People told me I look like a young David Beckham and constantly eyed me up and down. That was a good thing right? Yet, Harry was still not interested.... I felt like an idiot, everything I did is to win that curly haired boy for myself, but it seemed that I just pushed him away even more.

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