Chapter 12

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*Harry's POV*

Seeing Niall mad like that gave us goose bumps, only now did we realize that he always hid that side of him. Not that we would ever understand he hid it, because we would have excepted him any other way. He is our brother, obviously and now he needed our help to defeat his demons, and more likely one demon standing in front of us in a pink leotard.

We knew we could easily defeat the guy, now we only had one person to focus on. All of us, that means the army of normal people and gifted people and the five of us, had defeated most of his army, and it was easier for the others to fight on their own now. So now Alan the Vehicle was ours, and only ours. I know all of us made the vow of never killing anyone, but if Alan died, I wouldn't mind. It sounds harsh and ruthless, but I don't care. He nearly took away my brother and tried to kill the person I love. Not to mention him going after the two other brothers that took me in, no... Saying that I hate him is an understatement. The rage I feel for him is indescribable but all I know is that I want to destroy him. Strip everything away in his life and break him, take away everything he knows and loves, making him feel all alone. Because that is how we felt when he took Niall away from us.

One last time we nodded towards each other and then just went for it. Liam turned invisible and made loads of sounds around Alan. He started to look around, trying to figure out where the sounds came from and lost his focus on us. After that, Liam started talking, taking his voice from one place to another.

"Oh Alan, you messed with the wrong people. Maybe we would have given in to save this city if the people didn't want to fight, but when it comes to choosing, people always go with the easiest option. You should have known that it was us. We never threatened to kill them in the first place. But it wasn't you trying to take away your city that made us mad, it is you trying to make Niall leave, talking him into becoming someone he isn't, telling him the love of his life doesn't want him. Just so you could have him all to yourself. But why pick Niall? Why not Harry or Louis or Zayn or maybe even me? Oh, I think I know. You like him, don't you? The blond locks, the stunning crystal blue eyes, the godly Irish accent. We all saw the flicker in your eyes when you wanted to crush Lou only because he tried to save the boy he loves. You are jealous, so you thought you would kill two birds with one stone. The first being our city and the second being the love between the boys we adore. That was just one mistake too many", Liam's voice was eerily scary and icy. The fear became visible on Alan's face, but his eyes flickered now to Niall. A silent plea to the boy that once joined him to help him out.

Niall looked away, not being able to see the look on Alan's face. The disgust filled Ni's eyes and the anger flooded his face. Louis put his hand in his lover's hand and entangled their fingers. Niall immediately calmed down and enjoyed Lou's touches.

Out of nowhere Alan let out a torturous scream and fell to the ground. His body was shaking all over the place and suddenly glowed purple. Yup, that was my doing, first strike him with the biggest electricity bold I had ever made in my life, then just poisoned him. Sure it's not going to make him surrender, but that wiped the stupid look of his face. I'm not allowing him to look at Niall and Louis like that, with love struck eyes and sadness in them. He brought it all upon himself. 

While Alan's body is shaking and filling itself with poison, rocks, dust, car parts, bricks and everything else you could think of, flew straight into the guy suffering on the floor. He was buried underneath the rubble after a solid 10 minutes. Zayn moved the rubble and picked up Alan who is now only shallowingly breathing. Barely moving up his arms, he threw the man up in the air at full speed, Lou caught the man in the air and sent him flying straight to the ground.

"I surrender, please stop. I give up", Alan was lying on the floor, pathetically fold up in a ball. Blood was seeping from his ears, mouth and nose. Most of his bones were broken and his eyes were lolling in his head. He could barely speak. We had no clue why we had been so afraid of him, seeing him like this made us realize he was all talks and no game. He was just a big bully that was good in talking people into doing all the work for him.

Zayn took him in his arms, holding him in an iron grip and started running, Lou held Ni close, flew up and both of them followed Zayn. Liam smiled and grabbed my hand. We ran as fast as we could, we felt a pull in our stomach, making us go faster. Both of us heard a giggle coming from Ni's mouth. It made us realize that he was helping us out with his telekinesis. That boy was the bests.

We all arrived at the local prison and handed Alan over to them. Sure we could have brought him to the hospital first, but the chance he disappeared was one we were not willing to take. He would be taken care of here and in the mean time he was locked up.

Walking away from prison we were kind off sad that it didn't explode in the background, it would have been cool though, us walking slow motion, fire in the background and people whooping and clapping for us. This would have to do though. Us walking away, finding our way through the broken city. London was grey, smoking ashes shattered all over the place, cries for help echoed around, it was a sad sight. I loved my town and now almost nothing was left.

Trying to block the hurt that entered my heart, I kept walking next the others. They were the one's that kept me strong, that made sure I was going to fight for my town no matter what. A hand grabbed mine, a stronger shoulder nudged against my shoulder. I looked up and saw Liam's beautiful face next to me, smiling. His smile lit up my heart and most of the ache went away. I know that with him by my side, everything will be okay, everything will go back to the way it was and who knows maybe even better.

Arriving at the city hall, everyone was busy taking care of each other. The rubble was something we would fix later, families, friends, lovers was what's important first. Even people who didn't like each other before were now working together, all of them bonded over this and all of them understood how lucky they were. How could we ever go back to the way we were before. Most of them we knew by name now and the one's we didn't know, we still were able to tell their part in this fight. Without any of them we would have failed.

We made our way to the people and started helping out. After a few hours everyone who had survived were gathered together, huddled closer, hugging, kissing, laughing and crying. The people that didn't survived had been given a real, honourable, genuine, nice and sweet funeral.

We were happy and sad at the same time and nobody understood how that was possible. Having Liam sitting in between my legs, his head on my shoulder, my hands twirling his hair, I felt at home, I felt at peace. As if I knew everything was the way it should be. His fingers closed the gaps between mine and his lips found my cheek. Blushing I looked into his eyes and smiled. One thing I was sure of, I would never be able to let this boy go. He would be a part of my life, even if I had to give up on things or make huge sacrifices. Liam was worth it.

It was one of these moments in your life where you knew you had to say something to the person you love before it's too late. It's one of those moments where if you didn't take your chance now, you might never have one again, one of those moments where you wanted to say what you should have said all along.

Bringing my mouth to his ear, I softly said: "Thank you for being alive, thank you for always coming back to me, thank you for never giving up on me and thank you for being you. I love you". My lips kissed his cheek, then found their way into his hair. My heart fluttered and felt relieved for the first time in a long while. I closed my eyes and breathed in the smell, love and air that was Liam. In this moment I felt whole again. 

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