Chapter 7

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*Louis' POV*

Seeing Niall in his black suit hurts more than I could ever imagine. I never thought he would leave us and yet he did. I'm still not sure why he left us, but I really want to find out. The only place Niall belongs is in my arms. It may sound stupid but I adore him and I want to show him how much I care.

Looking around I see everyone taking a break. Harry and Liam are cuddled up, talking silently. Harry strokes Liam's cheek and feelings cover both their faces. I am so jealous of what they have or can have if only they want to admit their own feelings. They are so stupid, they obviously adore each other, but don't do anything about it. I frustrates me a lot!

Before they know it they might end up like Niall and I, not going anywhere. Not knowing if they have a future together. Never saying 'I love you' to the person you love is one of the most heart wrenching feelings I have ever felt and if I have to see two of my best friends go through that, the little I have left of my heart will break.

I needed Niall back and I needed him now. None of it was the same without him and I couldn't enjoy any of this. No plans came into my head and I was too empty to come up with them myself. The only thing I could come up with was finding him and telling him that he had to join us again. That he couldn't leave me.

After telling the guys this, they decided that I could go. If I needed any help I would call Harry, Zayn and Liam would stay here and help the others out. In the end we only had about 12 hours before the fight started and we weren't ready. Sure we were better prepared than we were two days ago, but it still wasn't enough. We were very grateful that we had Jessie with us now, she was a true leader and took over all the tasks I should have been doing.

Running outside I saw everyone taking a breather, eating something, drinking and taking little naps. They had been training and building continuously, so they deserved it. When I was out of the city hall I flew up and tried to find my pull towards Niall. It was always easier to find him with the many feelings I had towards him.

About ten minutes later I felt the strange feeling in my stomach and I knew he was near. The town was still busy though, the people who found themselves useless were ordered to keep up the facade of going to work or doing some groceries. Finding Niall proved to be more difficult than I thought. I asked the citizens whether they had seen my best friend and all of them gave me some directions. In the end all of them led me into one direction, always pointing towards the same grass field, telling me he had been seen there more than once and it had seemed that he was pondering over something. They just didn't know about what.

Every person that had given me directions patted me on the back, smiled and wished me good luck. They knew we would only be complete with our leprechaun with us and that if Niall swore is allegiance back to us we would be stronger, much stronger, for we knew how to work together without using words. It is as if we are reading each other's mind even though we don't have to. We would have a better chance with Niall by our sides, even if it was for this fight. I just needed to find a way or the right words to convince him to come back. Honestly, I had no clue how to do that, but I would do my best.

When I walked closer I saw Niall's silhouette underneath a tree. He still looked exactly the same from behind and it was comforting knowing that for I knew that looking into his eyes would show me a completely different boy.

"I knew you would be the first to find me. To be fair, I am surprised though. You should have given up by now, especially after all the notes I send you guys, but you never were a quitter right... I should have known."

He still sat with his back towards me, but I could hear a small smile in his voice, the voice I grew to love so much. The voice that made me smile and kept me calm whenever it filled a room.

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