Chapter 11

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*Louis' POV*

Niall wasn't wrong when he said that Alan would attack us full force. His army was probably twice as huge as ours and most of those people were like us, gifted, talented or as some would say, cursed.

Our first priority was to make sure our youngsters, elders and wounded people were safe, it took us quite a while to make that happen, since they were constantly trying to stop us. The good thing is that we were working together, so when 75% of us were fighting, the others worked fast and swift to give shelter to those who needed it.

We finally managed to keep everyone safe  and then turned all our attention to the battle. Our people were doing surprisingly well. Sure their fighters were powerful, but ours were smart. We attacked one of them with three of our men, this way we could divide the strength and energy that was needed to fight them off. No one was killed, we wouldn't go that way, not even to save a country, so all the wounded people were just lying around.

Fire and energy balls were flying around, hurricanes were fought back by stormy weather, people were turned into ice men to not much later be defrosted again. Pain was given to some from afar, but they were saved by people who were able to create shields. Others were just thrown around, got hit in the face, dropped out of the sky. Destruction was everywhere, houses were on fire, cars were put in a tall heap that they used as a barricade. It wasn't easy to defeat them at all.

Sweat was running over our faces and tiredness set into our bodies, but the determination of conquering this was still huge.

Alan hadn't made an appearance yet, but we knew it would come. He would show himself when he thought it was necessary. We felt his eyes on us though, he was controlling this battle and we knew it. It scared me more than I would ever admit to people.

Even though I was worried about everyone I was keeping an eye out for my friends more than for the other people. Liam tried to help everywhere, whenever he saw someone who was under attack and couldn't handle the situation to desperation or tiredness he would turn himself invisible and use one of his martial arts kicks to knock that person out. It was one of the perks of being invisible, he could surprise people in the most unpleasant ways. Zayn attacked people with the biggest boulders I had ever seen in human history. Also on request he threw some of our people with full force to the enemy to pluck them out of the air. It was a sight to see. Normally I would laugh at this, now I just couldn't. Honestly, it made me sad. Harry always stuck close to Liam, it was like he was drawn to the boy. I understood that feeling though because I couldn't leave Niall out of my eyesight. If something happened to him I would be the first to help him, to comfort him. Anyway, Harry was hiding nowhere and everywhere, so he could strike people out of the blue with poisonous attacks, electrify or burn them. His aim wasn't that perfect just yet, so he only struck people when he was sure of his target. Niall  was becoming mentally tired because he tried to hit as many people from behind by flying logs and cars into them, by tossing them in the river or by just throwing them around, but it wasn't enough, when his mind was fighting off people so was his body. He was hitting, kicking, slapping like a mad man.

"Ni, sweetie, please take a break. Please, you can't do this for much longer and I don't want you to faint."

"Lou, I got to do this."

"Give me one good reason though Ni."

"You know why Lou, you so know."

"You don't have to prove yourself okay. Yes you made a mistake but you made it better, so much better. I don't want to lose you. Please slow down a bit, for me?", I had his head in my hands, pleading him to listen to me.

"Fine, Lou, for you and only you."

I peppered his face with little kisses to only plant a big kiss on his lips. He responded back right away, by caressing my bottom lip with his tongue. I opened up and the jittery feelings I had missed for so long where finally back.

"So it is true what people say, you ran back to your weak friends Niall. I thought we were over this, I thought we established that they were no good for you, that you could do great things when you stayed with me", Alan the Vehicle said, standing right before the two boys," I should have know though, you are a sucker for romance. Love makes weak Niall."

"Says who? You? You who wants to be loved by everyone because you feel lonely? Only you confuse love with fear Alan. I was wrong, I made a mistake and I'm making it up right now to the people that matter the most. If this means I'm weak, then yes, I am the weakest person in this world. But being this weak also makes me the strongest person, because I'm not alone, I have people who have my back, who love me for me, who want to fight for me and I would do the same for them."

"You are a silly little boy", Alan chuckled, "how long will it last for you to become insecure again, to understand that you are the weakest link in that little band of yours? That you don't belong there. They are far more different than you Niall, you are special, their friendship is no place for you. You call it home, but it is in fact your only doom. Let me show you."

Out of nowhere Niall was shaking all over his body, crumbling on the floor. He was trying not to cry out in pain, trying not to contort his face. I didn't know what to do, if I would grab hold of him I would be lying next to him on the floor. That is not what I'm going for. I need to do something though, so when I noticed that Alan's full concentration was on Niall, I grabbed a rock that was lying next to me and within the second landed in between Alan's eyes. He stumbled backwards and Niall stopped shaking. I sat myself next to him and held him in my arms, not caring that the most evil person in this world was standing only a few meters away from us, and kissed his head. He was sweaty and pale, but the will to fight was still there in his eyes. You couldn't not admire him, he is the bravest person ever. My heart ached to see him like this, so when he tried to stand up, I let him lean on to me.

"How dare you! I will not stand for this, this is between me and Niall!", Alan screams, "I will take you down right now you little parasite."

Suddenly Niall ran towards Alan and hit him straight in his chest, the impact of the physical and mental hit send Alan flying backwards, landing into a brick wall.

"Don't you dare hit him. Ever. Do you freaking understand?", Niall was scarily angry, but standing there, seeing him pull a matrix move like that made me his biggest fan girl and I seriously had to hold my clapping and happy dancing to a minimum.

"Damn Ni, what a hit! That was mental!", Harry walked up to us and hit him on the shoulder, "You want some help? I brought back up". Zayn and Liam ran towards us, hitting others out of their way and throwing them far away. I did feel for those people. Their headache was going to be killing them tomorrow.

"I'd love some help. Let's finish this once and for all. I'm sick of his face.Seriously, when he sees our faces from now on, they should give him hell. "

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