Chapter 6

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*Zayn's POV*

Everything was going fast. People were learning how to fight, how to make good fighting uniforms, were fixing bunkers and taking care of the kids. Me and the lads were helping were we could and at the same time were trying to come up with a strategy. We only had 48 hours left and everyone was slightly panicking even though nobody would show it.

The three others had convinced their friends, talented and human to join us. So about 50 more people joined us, 40 humans, 10 talented people. Some could control the weather, create fires, shape shifters... so about 18 talented people and an entire city of normal people and we still felt we were running short on people to help us out. For some reason we believed their army was big. Bigger than any army ever seen. Thank god we had no real time to be upset or scared or tired. Besides the panic attacks once in a while everything went okay.

Well everything but one "tiny" situation. Louis.

He was lost, confused, angry, tired and sad. He lost all the energy he had once Niall walked into the room. None of us want to admit it, but it hurt to see him there. Especially because we know we have to fight him in two days. How can we do that? How can we turn against a brother. Sure he has changed and we don't really know him anymore, but he will always be our brother and we will never be able to hurt him, so yes, we will lose this if it comes to that.

We were stuck without Niall here with us, because that meant Lou was out as well. None of us had such a great brain like him. We adored his weird plans, they were insane and genius at the same time!

Thankfully, Monsoon Girl, also know as Jessie amongst her friends, had a good idea. To just use distractions as much as possible and just attack our main person: Alan The Vehicle. That way we don't have to hurt Niall and we don't hurt the other innocent people that were brainwashed by that pink leotard wearing dude. If we do come in contact with Niall we create smoke curtains or use water attacks on him and others who are not Harry can electrocute him. There is one rule though. It can hurt, but not injure or kill him. Everybody agreed with it.

All of us also refused to fight with weapons, it is not what we stand for. We create chaos, annoy people and scare them as much as we can and that is what will continue doing even if it is the last thing we will do. If the others are injured we don't really care, we have to be a big harder than before, but we will not kill. We will not sink that low.

So we decided to make Jessie a part our band until the end of the fight. If everything went right, she just wanted to go back home and be the superhero she was born to be. She loves helping people as much as she can, so doing what we do is not in her nature. Jessie already told us she will do it for the greater good, but can't keep it up for the rest of her life. We really do respect that.

"We really are turning into softies aren't we?", Liam sighed.

"Yes we are. One girl in our band and our female sides show up." I answered annoyingly.

"Than maybe it isn't that weird that I'm in need of a cuddle right now? My nerves are all over the place." Harry stared at us with puppy eyes and a pouty lip.

Don't ask why but we gave in. It didn't feel right with two people missing, but we felt a bit more relieved than before. Some stress dropped from our shoulders and hope filled our hearts. We are such a bunch of sentimental men.

"Hey uhm... Sir?"

We looked up and saw a boy standing there, a 16 year old boy that refused to sit down and just let the things pass him. He wanted to fight and won over our respect right away.

"You can call us by our names."

"With all do respect, I don't know them." He just stared into our eyes, no intention of moving.

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