Chapter 9

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*Louis POV*

Niall and I decided to take some time for ourselves. Yes the battle started tomorrow and yes we probably weren't as much prepared as Alan, but for now I couldn't care less. I had Niall back and he wanted to fight for this, for us.

"What do we do if we survive this?", Niall asked, doubt in his voice.

"Then we talk."

"About what Lou?"

"About us and how much I love you."

"Sometimes love is not enough."

"Now it is. I promise to love you for better or for worse. You know that. Yes, we will have to learn how to trust each other again, because I'm sure the both of us have issues when it comes to trusting the other."

"You have a reason for it."

"So do you. You are right, I always flirted with Harry. Even though it was harmless, I never considered how you must have been feeling when I did that."

"So you want to make it work? I'm not just getting my hopes up?"

" Ni, you've disappeared, Who else could I talk to? When you left, you took everything with you. But the absence of you was everywhere I looked. It was like a huge hole had been punched through my chest. But in a way I'm glad...the pain was my only reminder that you were real. So yes, I want to talk to you about it and yes, I want to make us work and yes, without you I'm nothing, I need you as much as Tinkerbell needed applause to live." I took his face between my hands and kissed him. It was a very sweet and gentle kiss, one I had been craving for so long. I didn't want to let him go, I couldn't. In Sheldon Coopers' words: If I could I would, but I can't so I shan't.

After about two hours of Niall and Louis- time it was, unfortunately, time to go back. I couldn't keep Niall to myself, I'm pretty sure that the other guys want to welcome him back. We all missed him. We just really aren't a band without him.

"Lou", Niall stopped me right before we entered the city hall, "do you think the boys will want me back? I mean, I have been let-", I cut him of with a peck on his lips.

"I'm pretty sure they will. I'm not going to lie though, there might be pissed of Ni, but I'm here and I will not let you walk again. We will deal with this together okay."

"Together", He smiled softly and took my hand in his. We entangled our fingers and at the exact moment we let out a sigh of relief. It was like we had finally found our home.

I opened the door and every person turned their face in our direction. It was a slightly mental sound. Gasps filled the air and eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Some loud yells attacked our ears and before we knew it Liam, Harry and Zayn had Niall in a group hug, jumping and twirling around, not much later they dragged me in the hug. It was the happiest moment in a long time. All of us were looking at Niall and saw his eyes shining the way they did before when we were together. His bubbly laugh relaxed everyone and whispers started.

"Is he back to help us?"

"He looks so much different when he smiles."

"Wow, he actually seems nice."

"When you get to know all of them, they are not that bad. But don't let anyone hear that."

I turned around to everyone and confirmed that Niall was indeed here to stay and to spread the news. The air was charged with excitement, happiness and a lot of pressure fell of people's shoulders. Sure, the situation was still horrible, but having all five of us together gave people more courage. It was nice to watch. Bringing Niall with me, was like Gandalf arriving at Helms Deep with extra troops. Call me a geek, I really don't care.

"Hey Lou, could I borrow Niall please." Harry asked and I nodded. I had to share him, at least until after the battle.

They walked away from us and Harry put his arm around Niall, jealousy hitting me hard and not only me. Liam was looking down at his feet, unable to see Harry being so close to Niall. They were whispering, talking intently, nodding and afterwards smiling. God... Ni really is the prettiest human being.

*Harry's POV*

Niall and I walked to the back of the room. He turned towards me and looked me right in the eyes, inviting me to start the conversation.

"Look, Ni, I know that I'm the main reason you left. You don't have to interfere and tell me that it is not true, because I know that it is. My flirting with Louis nearly blew up our friendship and I cannot forgive myself for that. I really am sorry."

"Harry, it's okay. It's not just you. I changed. Realizing that you love things you are normally against is a big shock and yes, you hanging around Louis didn't help, but I was stupid. A normal person would talk about it, but I was afraid of pushing you guys away. I'd be completely on my own if you left and I couldn't risk it."

"Still, I wanted to tell you that... Well, Lou... he is yours. I don't love him. Well, I do, but not like that, more like brothers." I rambled on, hoping that my message would come across.

Niall just smiled and nodded. 

"It's Li, I love Li. The hard part has been admitting it out loud, but now I did. I love him Ni, I would do anything for him, including dying. Seriously, we all went mental when you left us, but then the thought sunk in that it could have been Liam and I panicked. Like a full on panic attack, after that I had to have him close to me. I couldn't lose him like we lost you Ni", I hugged him and whispered in his ear, "you're staying now right? You're not leaving us again?"

He put his arms around me and pulled me even closer to him. "I'm never leaving you Haz, Lou even promised me we would try to work us out after the battle. I don't think I could ever leave him again, nor could I leave you guys. I have missed you so much. You're my buds right." He smiled his wicked bright laugh at me and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling and hitting him on the arm.

"Here, we always had it with us, just in case you came back to us. Or in case we would have knocked you down, drugged you and dragged you back to us." I handed him his green onesie and he smiled. He left the room, to only return a few minutes later with is onesie on and the black leotard in his hand.

"You want to burn it with me Haz?"

Dedicated this chapter to @Lotte_xx because not only her story but also herself make my day all the time! Thanks for being you :)

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