Chapter 15

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*Niall's POV*

Everything was okay again. Liam was finally dating his Harry, Louis was mine and mine only. Even Zayn let love in and finally asked his blonde crush, Perrie, to be his girlfriend. The people who would never be able to love and would be broken forever were finally mended and madly in love. If someone would have told us that six months ago we would have laughed, snorted and chuckled, we would have told them to not lie to us for it would give them extra trouble, we would have made jokes about it.

Seeing where we got in life, all five of us, it was slightly mental. Nobody would ever thought that we would get this lucky. People respected us for who we were, both our good and bad sides. They also felt sympathetic for us, knowing our full story now. People wanted to actually make sure that our lives stayed as amazing as they were now. Some people offered to take us in, since we were all still fairly young and living without parents for a while now. We politely declined their offer, but it was nice of them though.

All of us kept our jobs, but they were less stressful now that we were finally a part of the community. The last few weeks told us that there were other ways for us to let go of anger and frustration. Yes, we missed our villain lives, but the advantages of that life could not win against what we have now.


I lost my train of thought at the yelling that was going through the house and fell down on my bum. Falling down from about a meter and a half high in the air is pretty painful.

"Niall, this isn't a time to be lying on the floor with your feet half in the air mate. What are you doing. Yoga is my thing, not yours."

"Harry, you are such a dimwit! I was floating in the air."

"Right, ever since your powers got stronger you float, is it cause your jealous of your boyfriends' powers?"


"Because he can fly and you can't"

"Idjit! No, it is called practicing my telekinesis and being far away from you guys so I can think about things, cause with your yelling and childish behaviour I can't do that."

"Ouch! And saying that I wanted to tell you the news first, before everyone else."

"Yeah, and I'm also the only one around right now."

"Well yeah, that too, but who cares about that. If Zayn, Louis and Liam want to work in the weekend that is their problem not mine. Besides, I do get why Zee and Li work in the weekends, but why Lou?"

"He needed to get over report cards and tests and he couldn't focus here because of the tumult you were making before."

"Well, that's the last time I'm doing the household. Just so you know!"

"It's good that you're doing the dishes and all that, you could just do it in silence or with your music a volume lower."

"Whatever! Anywho! Do you want to hear my exciting news?"

"Sure, tell me."

"We are invited to Buckingham Palace!"

"Wait what?!"

"It says here we are going to be made knights!"

My mouth fell open and I didn' know what to do with myself. No way did I deserve that title. The four others yes, but me... I left them to work with the enemy.

"Niall? Hello! Earth to Niall!?"

"Right! Yeah, still here."

"Want to go tell the others?"

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