Chapter 3

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*Louis' POV*

Yesterday's episode with Niall got us worrying. He never acts or lashes out. Not like that anyways. He scared the living daylight out of us. The thing is, we don't know why. It has nothing to do with those annoying people at work and if it is, then he never told us the truth. Niall was used to people annoying him and he let it out at night, but in throwing cars into rivers and breaking down trees and throwing them at random objects.

The boys are convinced that we all lash out eventually and that it was too good to be true that Niall would never lose his patience, but I don't believe that. Yesterday was not the Niall we know and love. I keep replaying it inside my head and  I cannot seem to figure out when it went wrong. He was sitting on my lap and all of a sudden he got off and ran. That's it.

The fury in his eyes was something we had never seen. Niall has the nicest eyes ever. People trust him right away, because his emotions lie in his eyes, but yesterday they were dark blue almost black. What happened to make him so unhappy? Sure, we all feel that Ni needs the most protection, but yesterday, we had no clue how to help him.

All of us are up and eating breakfast around the kitchen table, all of us except Niall. Which is odd, because Niall is normally the first one down when he smells food. We also noticed his time table for work and he had to be in already. He had the early shift, but he is still in bed. None of us want to go and wake him up. For the first time ever, we just don't know how. I'm pretty sure that if we go shouting or jumping on his bed or sing real loudly, he will throw us out like he did with Zayn. That's another thing. We never used our powers on each other, we found it so disrespectful, yet he blasted Zayn out of the bathroom. Zayn keeps saying that it's his fault for barging in, but it is no excuse.

Maybe if I hit him in the head with a frying pan, his brain will function normally again.

"Oh hey Ni, how are you today." I hear Harry ask.

Niall turns around and his bowl of cereal is following after him. The door of his room slams and not much he locks the door. All of us just leave to work and try to get Ni out of our heads.

When all of us come back home, Niall is gone again. No note, nothing. Liam runs up to his room and looks through his drawer. He rushes down in a panick.

"Guys, Niall's onesie is gone!"

We put on the television and see Niall causing destruction. One person landed into the hospital with quite a few cuts and bruises and a lot of blood loss. We all run upstairs and pulled on our onesies. Harry has a yellow one with a silver lightning on, Liam a black one with a cape, Zayn has a bluish/greyish one wit FD on and myself, I have a red onesie with a golden beam on it. Niall's bright green with black clovers on is missing yet again. 

Liam is pacing in the living room.

"Goddammit Ni, How could he do that. Never has he hurt a fly, let alone a person. I'm going to hit him."

I quickly cut him off.

"Please tell me your going to hit him with a frying pan! PLEEAASSEEE!!"

"Mate, this is not Rapunzel okay.", Liam said aggravated. Stupid Liam.

We all rush out of the house and I fly up right away. I have the strongest pull to others of our kind, so finding Niall, who is a mate should not be hard. Also from this way up, I should see him soon. The first thing I see is sand flying up, not much later car parts are flying through the air and people are voluntarily jumping of the bridge. Well, at least they don't get hurt right. No need to save them... All of them can swim, if not, they should just call for help. Not my issue here.

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