Chapter 10

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*Niall's pov*

Lou is mine, it is all that has been playing in my head. Harry is not in love with Lou. Lou doesn't want Haz. Which means I have been freaking out for no reason? Yeah, I feel like an idiot right now. On the other hand, I have always tried to please others and trying to be the right guy for Lou, that along the way I have lost myself. That moment of confusion and destruction helped me to find myself again. The good and bad side of myself.

So yeah, I like annoying people badly, but only the ones that have ever on me and my friends for no reason, but mainly I like to do good. I realize I got in the villainbusiness to be closer to Lou and to get my frustration out towards everyone who has ever judged me, but I'd rather be a superhero to be honest. Why help the Alan dude... I was mad, upset, lost and heartbroken. People do stupid things out of love... I did insanely stupid stuff, but I'm here to make it okay again, to take responsibilities for my actions and to show the other four lads that I cannot be a part of their group again after this. I mean, I want to be their friend and I will not ask them to change, but eventhough I might get frustrated with all these annoying human beings, I want the good in my life to outweigh the bad and how can that happen when people are afraid of me and don't respect me? So that is what I have been doing for the past hours. I have been helping out where I could, but mainly I helped put up shelters for woman, injures men, elderly people and kids. Rhw less people that have to be harmed in this battle the better. The harder i work though the better I can keep my mind of telling the boys and the less I see their disappointed faces in my mind.

People keep asking me for my help since my telekinesis makes it easier to carry the heavy materials they use to build the shelters with. The building goes twice as fast now, because of that spirits are lifted, the occasional joke is told and people are starting to relax. It is exactely what we need.

In the big sporthall a bit further down the street people are still learning fighting techniques, other people are gathering food and water, 0others get bandages and ointments from the local farmacies. It kind of bothers me that we cannot pay for them but getting to know Alan a bit, the farmacies and shops will not survive the attack, hoping that the lack of food and drinks will weaken us.

I was so lost in thought, thinking about Alan the vehicles tactics that I didn't notice my (hopefully) future boyfriend wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Penny for your thoughts?" 

"I was thinking about the tactics Alan might use.", I put my head on his shoulder and lost myself in his touch, realizing yet again how much I had missed Louis and how much I needed him. 

"He never shared it with you?" 

"No, he was still thinking about it. He wanted a bit of everything in his plan. Power, tactics, suprise... He seriously is wicked, but not in a good way." 

"Ni, I know this is something completely else but I need to know, or I am not able to focus myself at everything that is going on right now." 

"Just spit it put Lou." 

"You are not going to stay with us after this right? I can feel it. You hace changed so much. You are happier than I have seen you in a long time and I kind off think that it is because you, not so secretely, like to help people out." 

"I love how you know me so well." I turn muself around, put my hands on his chest and put my head in the crook of his neck. This is where I belong and for this I will fight. 

"So you and I will never work? You know I cannot give this up." 

"That's the beauty though Lou, I know your life, I know you need this and I also know it doesn't make you a bad person. If you can accept that it's just not me, like I will accept that it is so you. If I promise you right here right now that I will not make you give up your nightly adventures and you promise me right here right now that you will not complaint about me watching movies, waiting for you to come home and cuddle with me until we both fall asleep I think we can make this work."

I hadn't noticed us soaring into the air, so I clutched on tighter to Lou. I was never a fan of flying, you could drop, into the ground, hard... and I was not ready for that.

"Bit more private." Louis said, smiling. 

"True." I smiled back. 

"If you are willing to make that promise, than I will make mine." At that moment I took his face in both my hands and pressed my lips on his. Sure, I could have told him it was a deal, I could have said thank you, but at this moment actions speak louder than words. Before I knew it though my lips involuntarily left his and I felt the wind whipping me from all around. Suddenly I hit the ground with a large thud and groined at the pain that was searing through my body. 

"Ni, babe, you okay?" Louis sat beside me, putting my head in his lap. A lot of people had gathered around in case I needed help. 

"I guess the battle has started... and he is going to use brute force."

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