Black Cat Reaper Prologue

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Prologue: The Dying Cat

Train's POV

This can't be happening, I won't allow it. I won't finish of my destiny like this! Just one more bounty, that's all I ask! Please, don't let me die! I walk aimlessly around Karakura Town looking for my next, or maybe last, target. I cover my mouth due to another coughing fit. Damn, just like I thought- I'm nearly puking up blood. Seriously, the faster I find my bounty the faster I'll go to the nearest hospital. But with every step I take my vision becomes more blurry, I can hardly see. My legs feel heavier than usual as well.

My mind keeps saying, 'I can't take it anymore, just let me die.' The path I walk onto leads me into a quiet neighborhood. With one last step I collapse on the ground with a 'thud' and I stare at the sign above me, the last scene I see before it is time for me to leave my body. It says 'Kurosaki's Clinic'.

'I hope they can bury me in a quiet spot', I think to myself, letting one last chuckle before my world goes black for good...

Ichigo's POV

I go down to greet my family in the kitchen just like any other day before I head to school. I expect a sneak attack from my so-called father but this day seems a bit wrong. I don't know why, it's just a feeling. When I go in no one is there. What the hell? Now there really is something wrong with today! My ears pick up running footsteps coming my way. One of my little sisters, Yuzu, comes in. She has tears running down her face. I start to panic and I ask her what's wrong until she starts to talk in sobs.

"Ichigo! There's...*sob*...a...*sniff*...person outside...*sob*...DEAD!" She runs to me and cries as I hug her.

"Where are Dad and Karin?" I ask her.

She lets go of me and wipes away her tears. She takes a deep breath so she can tell me her answer. "Daddy told me to come look for you. T-to help him bring the body to churchyard after he makes a call to the priest. Oh, Ichigo!" Yuzu comes back to me and cries again. I let her go gently and ask, "Where is the body?" She tells me shakily that it's in front of our house.

I go outside and see the body laying there on the pathway. This person's obviously a man, at least 18 or in his 20s, with messy brown hair, pale skin, black pants, shoes, a blue jacket and... a holster for his gun? Whoa! Is this guy a criminal or an agent? But what really spooks me out is Karin, who speaks out of nowhere-meaning behind me.

"Don't worry he's not a burglar or something like that", she says like she read my mind. "He's a Sweeper. You know, a bounty hunter."

"Oh yeah, how do you know that, Karin?" I ask her, like if she somehow knows everything.

"Dad took out his wallet. Inside it was his sweeper license. Here, see for yourself", she said and shoves his license in my face. I look at the man's picture on it. I notice he has amber eyes and gives a big smile. It looks kind of goofy in my opinion. My eyes go to the right side of the ID. It contains his name and age-Train Heartnet; Age: 24. Wow, this guy sure died young. And he looked healthy when I first saw him. I thought he was sleeping on the street, I guess I was wrong. He must've died last night-Wait, if his body is here, then where's his SOUL?

"Karin, did you see a spirit wondering around or something?"

"Now that you mention it, I did. He was standing over his body with a sad look on his face. When Dad came out he ran in a blink of an eye. I'll tell you this, that guy sure can sprint in his soul form."

"Damn!" I run from Karin in search for the missing soul.

'I hope I can find him before a Hollow decides to make him breakfast!'

Normal POV

Squad 1

Captains' Meeting

All 9 captains of the thirteen court guard squads stand in their positions in line, waiting for their Head Captain to make his appearance. Everyone is quite curious about the sudden emergency the Head Captain announced. The double doors open widely and reveal Captain Shigekuni Genreyusi Yamamoto. All the captains stand up straight as the oldest captain walks toward his only seat. He sits down on his chair and opens his eyes towards the captains.

"Now I'll make this meeting as quick as possible since this is an emergency", he announced. "Last night, at 11:45 p.m., a human died and its soul left its body-"

"Forgive my rudeness, Head Captain", said Captain Shunsui Kyoraku of Squad 8. "Everyone in this room knows what happens when humans die. What's so special about this one?"

"Captain Kurotsuchi, if you will explain", says the head captain while gesturing to squad 12's captain for him to step forward.

"Yes. Of course", he says stepping in front of the crowd. (AN: Every time he talks he creeps me out. Seriously! -_-') "Around 11:45 and 11:46 p.m. a massive amount of spiritual energy sky-rocketed the charts for only a brief moment."

"How 'massive' we're talking about here?" asks squad 11's captain, Kenpachi Zaraki, who somehow got interested in the meeting.

"If I were to compare, higher than that substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki..."

(Elsewhere: Ichigo sneezed out of nowhere.)

"Hmm...this is very interesting, all right!", Kenpachi said with an evil grin on his face.

"It may have been only a minute, but I'm positive if we don't find the source soon then it's going to become a powerful hollow strong enough to take down every captain of the thirteen court guard squads!" exclaimed Captain Kurotsuchi.

"Then it's settled." Captain Yamamoto said. "Captain Hitsugaya, you and three other subordinates of your choosing will find the source and bring it back to Soul Society alive."

"Of course, Head Captain", Toshiro Hitsugaya, captain of squad 10, while bowing low.

"Now that is settled, Captain Hitsugaya's team will leave immediately! Meeting adjourned!" says the head captain as he brings down his cane to end it.

Train's POV

It feels strange being dead. I keep looking at my chest that has a chain hanging from it. I don't recall having a stylish chain after death. But hey, anything's possible, right? If I am dead, why haven't I gone to heaven already? Something doesn't feel right. I stop my walking. There is something behind me- but I don't know what to do. I slowly turn my head around. My eyes widen in shock of what I'm seeing. It's a monster with a giant hole in its chest and a pure white mask on its face. I could swear my spine shivered when it spoke.

"Mmm. What is that delightful smell? It's fantastic! It must be you! Your soul smells wonderful! I must devour you!" Out of shock I reach for my Hades and shoot the beast in its head. It vanishes completely afterward. That moment was terrifying I must admit. At least it's over... until I see more of those beasts! I step back in fear as they come closer. They have the same craving in their eyes like the first one.

"Run, Master. Do not let them catch you!" a feminine voice in my head spoke. I didn't know my subconscious was a girl. But it doesn't matter right now! I need to get away!

"You don't have to tell me twice!" I yell as I use my full speed, sprinting away from the craving monsters. Man, being dead is such a drag.

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