Black Cat Reaper Chapter 9

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Sorry for the late update. I hope u enjoy this chapter.^-^

Warning: Longest. Chapter. EVER. My bad. The Bleach and Black Cat characters are not mine.

Chapter 9: The Academy and the Obfuscating Roses part 2- The Physical Test

"And here is where the students eat for lunch", Captain Hitsugaya shows Train the relaxation spot where most students hang out and eat. "Any questions so far?"

"Yeah, I have one." The new student puts his hand over his stomach with a soft groan after it. "Where is the cafeteria? I'm starving."

The young prodigy let out an unsatisfied sigh. It's amazing how someone had this short of an attention span. All he thinks about is food.

"Honestly, Train, how can you think about food? I'm showing you your yearly classes and you would rather listen to your stomach. Does it do all the thinking instead of your brain?"

"Whose idea was it to come here early and not eat breakfast before departing? Only crazy people are stupid enough to forget about breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day."

"Need I remind you if we come here much later then it'll be too late for you to take your entrance exam? Or should I act it for you to keep up?"

"You can do that?"

"It's called sarcasm and I am not going to embarrass myself in front of you."

"I wasn't implying you to do it anyway."

"Whatever. Lets move on. Shall we?"

"Lead the way, O Mighty One." Train mockingly bowed in front of Hitsugaya.

They continue the academy's tour as Hitsugaya being the tour guide and Heartnet barely listening. During the 'tour', Hitsugaya begins to have a slight feeling. Not the emotion kind. The kind of feeling you get when you forget. At the end of the tour, it hit him like a lightning bolt.

"Oh, now I remember what I forgot."

"What is it?"

"I need to do something at my quarters, but I don't know if I can let you stay here by yourself."

"Toshiro, I can take care of myself. I'll wait for you at the entrance gate."

"I don't know. What if you get in trouble while I'm not around?"

"Like I said, I can take care of myself. I'm not just a regular guy you see everyday."

"I can tell." They both walk together to the gate. Hitsugaya turns to look at the brunette. "I'll be right back in at least 5 minutes. While I am gone I don't want you moving from your spot. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah. Go on. We both know we don't got all day," Heartnet said as he mockingly shoo the little captain.

Hitsugaya sighs. "Alright. Remember, stay here." He points to the ground showing Train where to stay put. He nodded and in no time the young prodigy was gone.

"What to do?" Train says out loud. "Might as well look at the trees. They sure are wonderful this time of year." His gaze went to one of the cherry blossoms. Spring is the only time the trees blossom. Just gazing at them reminded the stray cat of the eventful evening where he met the white-haired beauty.

"WHOA! WAIT A MINUTE! DID I JUST THINK THAT?" He quickly covers his mouth and looked both ways. No one was around. Good.

Train Heartnet could feel his face heating up. Did he imagine the prodigy as a beauty? Sure, he admits the short kid is cute. After their first encounter, Train felt happy being by his side. He adore those gem-like eyes, his spiky, soft white hair, and his smile always make him want to crave it more. But a beauty? This is the first time a thought like that actually went through his mind. What is going on with him? What is this feeling?

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