Black Cat Reaper Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Farewell to the Living, Kitty Cat

The day of Train's funeral finally came three days later. Ichigo managed to get Kon to take over his body. While in shinigami form he snuck out the house with Rukia. He carried Train's gun in a white cloth with him. On their way to Urahara's, they noticed a lot of people they never met before.

It appeared they were on their way to the cemetery. 'Those must be the Sweepers Train mentioned before.' Ichigo thought. He sure was right, news does travel fast in a Sweeper's world.

Once they made it to Urahara's place, the 'strawberry' shinigami and the small girl saw their strange spirit friend on the roof. They simultaneously realized how much their new companion acts like a cat at times.

He likes to go on roofs (day or night), takes long naps, and always whines about milk. The deceased bounty hunters posture just screamed 'cat'. The aforementioned 'cat' was contemplating his past life, submersed deep in his thoughts. Well, until he heard someone scream in his ear.

"OI! ARE YOU DEAF OR JUST PLAIN STUPID?" yelled a very pissed-off orange headed teenager. Train was not expecting this, and so he slid off the roof. Well, almost slid off. He grabbed the drain pipe at the last second, and Ichigo had to pull him up.

"Do you mind? I was enjoying a good morning!" Train yelled, feeling pissed-off too since someone disturbed his peace-and-quiet.

Rukia went up to Ichigo on the roof and smacked him behind his head with her slipper. "Are YOU stupid? Are you trying to kill a soul who hasn't even been konso-ed yet? Honestly, big of a lummox can you be Ichigo?"

"It's not my fault someone wasn't paying attention to the person who was calling their name for four minutes straight!" Ichigo yelled back.

"What a bummer", Train sighed, "they're at it again." During his time in the shop, Train studied each shinigami out of boredom. Extreme boredom, because if he would go out anywhere by himself he would be Hollow Bait like the first time.

So, his only access to fresh air was the roof. But even when he was not on the roof he learned a few things from the shinigamis. Train observed how Rangiku acted when there was no danger. She either bothered someone (mostly her captain) or she drank her hidden sake to the point of inebriation. While the lieutenant was inebriated, she tried to make Train drink sake, and he refused vehemently. Alcohol and his system never mixed when alive, and he certainly wasn't going to get drunk when he had constant access to Hades.

Renji, in his opinion, was the epitome of a freeloader. And the little red-headed kid, Jinta stole those words right out of his mouth. He already knew that Ichigo and Rukia argued over the stupidest things. Oh well, at least he had fun talking with the zanpakuto spirits. Even though they obviously look different, they act just like their wielder! Especially Haineko, he may like cats but... she was the single exception. She flirted with him even more then Rangiku, which showed him just how much Rangiku wanted to flirt with him!

The longer he watched how they interacted the more his heart sank as he could not deny the truth-he would never be with his original friends. What made Train's mood even more melancholy was the fact that he hardly ever saw Toshiro around. He's not asking for much, but at the very least he could use the young captain's company. Train looked at the sky one more time before jumping down to join Ichigo and Rukia on the ground... when did they jump down? Train just shook his head; he had a reasonable excuse to be distracted. Today was his funeral after all. How many people can say they saw their own funeral?

Train sighed as he went inside (so he could leave the two still-quarreling love birds alone) and saw Kisuke waiting for his presence once again.

"Have you had a talk with your subconscious?" he asked. He had asked the same question the past three days. "No, I haven't.", Train replied. Urahara just gave him a look and went into his storeroom to do whatever shopkeepers do in their storerooms.

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