Black Cat Reaper Chapter 11

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I do not own Black Cat or Bleach. I do own an OC who is making his appearance here and Train's and his comrades' zanpakuto (still working on it).

Chapter 11: Sleeping, Kido, and Captains! Oh My!

We left off when Train, Lin, and Jenos the Pack Mule were on their way to their first morning class. As they were walking, Train kept repeatedly sheathing and unsheathing his asauchi. Lin was trying his best not to snap from the annoying sound while reading his book. All he want is to finish his book in peace... not rip it to pieces. After two or three more clicks later, he closed his book softly.

"No matter how many times you sheath your asauchi its blade will not magically come out as you wish", he said.

Train sighed. "I know. I'm just a little disappointed. I mean look at it." He showed the blade less katana to his friend. "How is it suppose to be my zanpakuto if it has no blade, whatsoever, huh?"

"Been there, done that. Jenos and I went through the same phase you are going through now. Your zanpakuto will show its true self once you learn its name."

The middle brunet sighed once again. "Talk about déjà vu", he muttered.

"You said something?"

Heartnet shook his head. "No, it's nothing."

They heard a grunt from behind. They turned to see their other friend having trouble balancing each book in place.

"...It better be worth it", the tallest brunet said with another grunt, "If I'm waiting for a couple of years just to have my zanpakuto talk to me, then it better be worth it."

Lin smirked. "Well, the zanpakuto is a weapon manifested from the wielder's soul. So if you have a unagreeable moment, you only need to think you are diagreeing with yourself."

Train chuckled at the joke while Jenos pouted. "Oh, hardy har har. I'm laughing on the inside."

"Now chop, chop." Lin clapped his hands. "Pick up the pace, Jenos Hazard. History class is about to begin and I don't want to miss it."

"Easy for you to say when you're not carrying both our textbooks in the morning. Can't you help me? It'll be a lot easier if we all carry equal weight."

"You lost the bet, Jenos. Now you must pay the price."

The amber-eyed brunet glanced at his two newly friends. "I can't believe you two made a ridiculous bet." Yes, on their way to Soul Society History 101, Lin told Train about the bet. Train laughed so hard at how Jenos was able to get everything right except the gender. The former Number VII tried his best not to pay attention to the story and focused more on carrying the books. "It's amazing how you are able to describe me perfectly. Were you thinking about your dream girl? I'm sorry to say this, man, but you're going to have to deal with me instead." Train grinned.

"Shut up, Black Cat. Is someone going to help me or not? 'Cause I don't want to waste anymore time slowing down."

"Oh, come on, Lin. It wouldn't hurt to help him out", Train spoke. "If we each grab some items then we can make it there in no time. What do you say?"

Lin brushed his hand through his black bangs. "Fine, whatever. Lets get it over and done with."

Both boys grabbed a few books from Jenos and continued walking in a slgihtly fast pace. Halfway to their destination, they spotted a male student running toward them. Jenos grinned at the newcomer. The poor guy was panting and wheezing when he approached them. When his breathing finally calm and steady, Train was able to get a good look at his appearance. The student was a boy who looks around in his teenage years with black shaggy hair, pale skin, and blue eyes behind silver square glasses.

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