Black Cat Reaper Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: A Stray Cat Saves an Ice Dragon

Toshiro's POV

I don't know how long I can handle doing this. No matter what I do, the onslaught doesn't stop! It's an endless army of hollows! I need to make a plan and fast before it is too late. Another one comes toward me. I jump up and slice it in half horizontally. I go back to my spot straight after, I don't want to risk gaining any more injuries. I'm exhausted, barely have any time to breathe, and I don't have time to release my Limiter.

I take some comfort in the fact that the others should be here soon since I'm spilling out my spiritual pressure. Even if I don't make it out of here alive, I will die trying.

"Master, behind you!" Hyourinmaru yells.

Before I can look behind me, I feel a giant scratch form on my back. I scream in pain and land on my knees. My eyes gaze back to my attacking hollow as it licks my blood from its claw. It grins deviously at me. I try to stand up once more, but my knees give out, and I quickly fall back down. The hollow keeps grinning at me. The monstrous spirit's eyes show hunger and deep joy from my pain. It seems like every hollow around me has the same expression as the first.

Before I can even lift my Hyourinmaru, I feel yet another scratch-on my chest this time. Blood spills out of my mouth and various slash wounds and forms a pool on the ground. Its official, I'm going to die. I guess I should accept my fate and let it be done with. I slowly close my eyes and wait for the final blow. But nothing happens.

Instead, I feel arms around me, and the air currents indicate that I'm going up. I don't know if I should open my eyes or pretend I'm unconscious. The latter option is blown away when a soothing voice penetrates my eardrums.

"You can open your eyes now. You're safe."

The tone sounded like a man's voice. His tone is so gentle and caring that I obey immediately. Opening my eyes slowly I come face to face (eye to eye?) with bright yellow orbs. I blink and inspect him closely. He looks very familiar, like I've seen him before. His toned skin, messy brown hair, feline amber eyes, and goofy smile all remind me of someone. Why would he be smiling at a time like this? The smile jogs my memory- the picture in the soul's Sweeper ID! It's him! This is the soul I've been looking for! But instead, he found me...and he's carrying me bridal style. I feel a light blush forming... this is very awkward.

"Are you okay? Can you say anything?" he asks, just as I realize that I've been staring at him for a long time.

I try my best to say something but I barely four words come out of my mouth. "I...You...Right"

"You know, for a little kid you don't say much, do you?" he asks semi-mockingly.

I feel my eyebrow twitch at his question, and my blush fades. He just called me little and kid in the same sentence! I clutch Hyourinmaru's hilt tightly, trying my best not to kill my rescuer where he stands since this isn't the best time to be angry at him.

"I'm not a little kid for your information. And is there a reason why I can't kill you right now?" I sarcastically ask.

"Is there a reason why I can't drop you right now where those creatures are?"

"For starters they're hollows, 'evil spirits' as you humans call them."

"'As you humans', huh, is that why are the hollows trying to kill you?"

"You've got a lot to learn, Spirit. Hollows go after those who have strong spiritual pressure. Meaning they go after anyone that can see them and us. In other words, they can eat both souls if they are dead or living."

"You mean people can see me?"

"Didn't you hear what I said? I told you-"

"Yeah, yeah. I heard every word. I'm not deaf you know." He looks down at the hollows.

"What do we do now?"

"For now, we should quickly retreat. Then-"

The soul lowers me on a...branch? We were on a branch this whole time? That would explain the close view of the moon. "I'm Train Heartnet by the way. What's your name?"

I stare at his mesmerizing eyes as I speak without thinking my decision through, "Toshiro Hitsugaya."

"I think your name suits you well." His smile brightens more and I can't help but give him a small smile. I think time stops when we both smile and soft cherry blossoms blow past us. He jumps down from the branch while I realize he will die -again- from this high! That idiot! Is he suicidal?

As I look down my eyes widen at the scene before me. Train-the untrained soul-was actually fighting the hollows. He looks so quick and graceful, like a cat. Even with his weapon of choice he looks like he is dancing. How did Train obtain such a weapon? No soul should be able to use a weapon before becoming a shinigami. Just who is this Train Heartnet? It takes only a few minutes until I see the aftermath. Heartnet was able to kill every hollow with ease, when I couldn't and almost died. He jumps up to me on my branch, picks me up before I can protest, and lands safely on the ground. He puts me down softly and asks, "Can you stand?"

In my anger I stand up too fast and stumble with my first step. Heartnet catches me, much to my chagrin. He picks me up bridal style once more as he walks in the moonlit night. "Thank you", my voice so soft I almost whisper.

He only smiles once more and responds, "You're quite welcome, Toshiro." For some reason I feel my face heat up again when he says my name. He puts his hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling alright, Toshiro? I wonder why your face is really red, despite the fact that your temperature is normal."

Before I can answer I hear two very similar squeals up ahead. Out of all my embarrassing moments, this one takes the cake! I look ahead and see Kuchiki, Abarai, Kurosaki, and Matsumoto, who's trying to find something in her robes. I know that if I ask what she is searching for I would regret it, so I don't.

Kurosaki steps up from the group. "Toshiro, you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. And it's Captain Hitsugaya, idiot!"

"Captain? You didn't tell me you're a captain", Train remarks.

"Oh." My face heats up again. "I must have forgotten to mention it to you."

"That's kind of a clumsy move for a captain."

I heard Kurosaki laughing out loud when he hears it. Suddenly I see a flash and notice Matsumoto holding a camera. Can this day get any worse?

"Oh, I can't wait to show this to the entire 13 Squads!" she squeals, and nearly collapses in her fit of laughter

I spoke too soon...

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