Black Cat Reaper Chapter 12

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(Sorry about the wait guys. Truth is I already posted this chapter on Fanfiction but I forgot to put it here. So with all do respect enjoy this long awaited chapter. Btw, I don't own Black Cat or Bleach; they belonged to their creators.)

Chapter 12: Lunch is for Gathering, Not for Food Fights

Train's POV

The day goes on faster than I can imagine. With a nice good shower and a new set of clothes, it gives me time to think over what happen in the last few hours. So far... I've seen familiar faces of both from the living world and my time in the captains' meeting, getting over a boring day of history class, visiting my inner world during history class, sabotaged a training ground during kido class (which I need to remind myself of finding a way to clean up my mess), all while keeping a secret from everyone, including my friends... my afterlife is thrilling, isn't it? Why does these sort of things only happen to me? All I ask is to be forgiven and rest in peace; unfortunately for me, I opened a new door to another adventure, one where I never thought of being apart of.

This time I was given a gift in my afterlife, the gift to materialize living or non-living by using my reishi (spiritual particles). I questioned on how I can have a large amount of it and not seem to exhaust myself. Maybe I should ask Lin if he knows anything about reishi amount on a soul.

Anyway, back on top topic, I don't understand on why it had to be me. I could be a regular spirit without worrying about every obstacle in my way; but, no, I have this secret weighing on my shoulders. Believe me when I say this secret is driving me crazy. If I say even a peep of my powers to a stranger, or someone I know, I could be executed on the spot!

Though... as I much as I hate to admit it... it could be the right thing. I mean... if I can create forms and materials from reishi, who knows what else I'm capable of. Maybe that Kuchiki guy has a point. For all I know... I could a spiritual time bomb waiting to explode at any given moment.

...Yeah... I need to think about something else...

As I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling of my room, I imagined my afterlife would be like without these accursed powers. I could be like any other souls at the district. Running around freely as I pleased with no one telling me what to do. That's a life for me. But, thinking about those kids made me realize on how hard it must be in scavenging for food. Poor kids. They died so young and yet they starve so easily... I wish there was more I can do for them...

Then, I reminisced the rest of my morning.

During my day, the other classes were… eventful. After the supposedly break time from kido, I had hohou class. From what I heard, this class is mainly about stealth, which I am extremely good at. The teacher of the class is none other than my second least favorite person: the shrewd woman herself, Soifon. Jenos wouldn't stop eye-gawking her. I rolled my eyes at the memory. After a couple minutes of his staring, he received a roundhouse kick to the stomach. Eventually, the pain made him come back to the Seireitei. Lin offered to take Jenos to the infirmary and asked if I could assist him. She stared at me analyzing to see if I was going to "pull" something until Lin convinced her he wasn't strong enough to carry our friend to the infirmary. Bless you for having a silver tongue, Lin. It was good thing, too, because she told the class to run for twenty minutes around the area... while she watch. If I were to stay behind or help Lin and Jenos, I picked the latter. Like that Kuchiki captain, she doesn't like me either.

At the infirmary, there was Captain Unohana with a tall woman. When I saw her badge strapped to her arm, I knew she was her lieutenant. Unohana greeted us and told her lieutenant to take care of Jenos. As Jenos was in good hands, Unohana insisted on checking my injuries. As she re-bandaged my wounds she asked how my day went so far. I explained as much as I can. I asked her why some of the captains are my teachers. She answers, "It's our orders to make sure your powers are in check." I knew it. It was so obvious that I remember I wasn't at all shock.

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