Black Cat Reaper Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: The Academy and the Obfuscating Roses part 1: The Written Test

Slowly opening his eyes, Toshiro wakes to see his room in a golden hue. He rises up from his bed and stretched his sore muscles. He looks to his left only to see an empty spot where Train Heartnet slept the previous night. This causes the young captain to worry. He can't sense Train's spiritual pressure in the immediate area, which only increases his worry. He knows that Train is ignorant about Seireitei, the poor guy could get lost, or hurt! Or worse, be late for his first day in the academy!

Train's POV

I decided to wake up early since the morning sun woke me up. I glanced at Toshiro seeing as though he's still sleeping. 'Since it's dawn I should enjoy the moment before I go to boring life in the academy,' I thought. I opened the window and jumped on the roof. The golden warmth made me want to take a nap on the rooftop. 'Maybe a quick nap.' I thought as I lay down on the roof and closed my eyes.

Reopening my eyes I was back in my Inner World, staring at the full moon once again. I stood up realizing I was on the fountain's stone edge. I looked at the many roses surrounding my fountain. I looked at the lavender rose again, but is it supposed to have two in one? I slapped myself in the face. Yep, it's still there.

"Is there something you are not fond of, Train." I turned around seeing the dragon cat lady from before.

"Why is the lavender rose now has two instead of one?" I asked her.

"All I can say is each rose represents your emotion for people you know."

"So, two roses in one represent my emotions for two different people, even if they are the same color?"

"Bravo, Mr. Heartnet. Bravo", she said while sarcastically applauding. "And has your mother ever told you to say good morning to anyone when they made their appearance?" I rolled my eyes. Why do I have a zanpakuto who acts like a mother hen? "I beg your pardon. You know I can hear every thought that comes through your head, right?"

"I'm sorry. Good morning, Partner, and thanks for the update"

"Much better. Do you wish to continue?"

"Yes, my question is who are two people I know who I fallen in love with?" I glanced at her hoping she would give me an answer.

"I apologize if I am not helping you but this is your personal problem. I bid you adieu, Train." She walked past me as if I was a mere illusion. "Before I take my leave I leave you with this piece of advice. One of those two roses will die out for lack of love for them. One rose is someone you have known and the other is someone you have met. Both have changed you." When I turned around she was gone. What does her advice mean? Why does she have to talk in riddles? This is so confusing.

I felt a tug on my shoulder...

Normal POV

Surprisingly, Train jerks his head up and bumps into something hard. He rubs his forehead as he looks at the thing that caused his temporary pain. It ended up being a someone: Toshiro Hitsugaya, who is rubbing his forehead as well. While they are not looking at each other the two are blushing in embarrassment. At the same time, they both hear their zanpakuto laughing at this unusual scene.

After mentally telling them to shut up, Toshiro says, "Since you are awake now it's time for you to get dressed."

Train sighed. "I almost forgot why today is so important. Remind me again why I'm going to this Soul Reaper Academy."

"Because, Train, you need to learn to take control of your powers. In all my times in the thirteen court guard squads I have never seen anyone create objects using reishi. If this information was to be heard in the ears of our enemies they'll use you as a mere pawn in their plans. We both know it is either this or death, and there is no way in Hell I'll let you go through with you getting executed for doing no crime on your first day in Seireitei. Do you understand now?"

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