Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: What Happens in the Club, Stays between the Cat

Saturday came faster than you can say "holy shit cakes". It was past noon where Train Heartnet got out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and fresh bandages around his burnt arm. The said man just finished his fourth shower (three of them were in the morning). He had absolutely no idea what to do in his first weekend here in his new home. He could do his kido assignment; hah, yeah like he wanted to do that on a Saturday! He could go to one of the training grounds to enhance more on his powers, but that would require going out in public and being destructive (even though he doesn't mean to). He could find the others and see what they're doing, however, he doesn't want to waste his time walking aimlessly around campus just to find out what each one is doing. Then again, what if they're no one in campus or in their dorm rooms? For that matter, he could be the only one with no social life!

Oh, the humanity!


The sound of a familiar mew brought Train back to reality. A black cat sat on his bed with its tail swishing back and forth. Train's mind clicked in an instant. The same cat who stared at him in the hallway and the same one who led him to the outside class. This was getting irritating. That cat keeps coming to him and then disappears later. Okay, if the black cat was a white rabbit that would make him Alice - maybe Alister would be a better name for a male Alice.

"You want me to follow you again", Train said without stating his statement as a question. The feline simply stared at the half-naked man. Its eyes trailing up and down Train's body as if it was inspecting him. He sighed. "Can I at least change first?" The staring cat said no response. "As in turn around so I can change." There was no way he was changing clothes in front of the cat. Call him crazy but Train believed the feline before him isn't just your ordinary stray. As if it understood him, the cat turned its body around and stared at the wall. Still not trusting the sudden house guest, Train grabbed a new uniform and sandals and walked back into his bathroom (he made sure to fully close his door).

It took Train six minutes to prepare himself. He stepped out of his bathroom as he dried his hair with the same towel he used around his waist. As he got out, Train saw the cat patiently sitting on his bed. He tossed the towel on his bed. "Where are you taking me this time?"

The cat went to the window and lightly tapped it indicating to go out the window; Train opened it. The cat jumped without hesitating. Said man followed. After landing, the stray walked up to the wall, leapt on top of it, and looked down upon the approaching student.

Train stared up at the cat. It wanted him to go over the wall. This just builds questions in Train's mind. Now that he thinks about it, was he allowed to go out from the academy grounds. He didn't get much of a tour of Seireitei the first time he arrived here. He spent one night at Toshiro's barracks and that was it.

Was the cat leading him to Toshiro? Like the tales, in a manner of speaking, the rabbit was a guide... in some way. Perhaps the black cat is leading him to squad ten; it must've felt the disturbance in the force.

Ever since they kissed (mostly Train kissed Toshiro), the air between them was less conversational. They spoke of lesson and Train asked questions on certain aspects of the teachings. Neither one spoke of the incident. If this cat is leading him to Toshiro, then it's time not to kick around the dirt.

It's time for him to take the first step.

With one quick nod, Train jumped up the wall and looked upon the city before him. Now he just needs to know what to say to the little captain.

Train sighed.

God give him strength.

Meanwhile, halfway of southwest, walking towards the Shinsou Academy, was Toshiro Hitsugaya deep in his thoughts. Throughout the week, Hitsugaya kept thinking about that kiss and the tension between them – alone together in one room – wasn't making any easier to speak his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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