Black Cat Reaper Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Cat's Power

Train's POV

After the red headed girl took Toshiro inside I went back to the shop owner. He wore dark green pants with a matching dark green shirt and a dark grayish-green coat with large white diamond patterns along its bottom half. On his feet are traditional Japanese wooden sandals and perched on his head is a striped bucket hat. It's hard to see his eyes since his hat covers almost half of his head!

'Is he wearing a wig?' I wondered.

He held out his hand in front of me, expecting me to shake it.

"Hello, my name is Kisuke Urahara, keeper of Urahara's Candy Shop." I could see his goofy smile under his hat.

I couldn't help but return the handshake as I introduced myself. "I'm Train Heartnet, now deceased Sweeper."

"I do believe that I owe you some explanations to your unanswered questions. Follow me." Me, Red-Pineapple Head, Carrot Top, and Shrimp Girl followed Kisuke inside his shop. He slid the door open, revealing a small room with a low table and a couple of pillows on the floor. Urahara walked towards the side of the table and sat down on one of the pillow. He ushered the rest of us to follow suit. Mellon Chest sat next to Kisuke, whom I sat next to, Red-pineapple Head sat next to me, Carrot Top sat next to him, and Shrimp Girl sat next to him.

When it comes to sitting on the floor, my legs turn numb easily. That was part of the reason I hated Chronos- it was always so formal.

It was rather quiet for a while. I kept fidgeting on my pillow so my legs won't fall asleep on me. Urahara opened up a white fan in front of him. My instincts told me Kisuke had his eyes on me. After a few more minutes he finally spoke. "I see you must be the soul who was responsible for the amount of spiritual pressure last night, am I right?" and he waved his fan at me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I still don't understand what's going on. All Toshiro told me was those things I saved him from were called hollows and they only seek out spirits with strong spiritual pressure, but I haven't the slightest idea what that is. And didn't I tell you that his subordinates weren't able to sense him, whatever that means. Maybe they were just being lazy."

"Oi! I'm not his subordinate!" Carrot Top yelled.

"AND WE'RE NOT LAZY!" The other three yelled in unison.

"You did, didn't you?" asked Kisuke while ignoring his outraged companions. It was hard to see his eyes underneath his bucket sized hat, but from his tone it's obvious he was quite curious.

"Did you fight them with just your fists and brute strength?" Okay, now he's flat-out insulting me. I'm not stupid. I always fight with Hades by my side. My hand went to the holster where I holstered Hades... and to my surprise it's not there. I stood up quickly to retraced my steps but my oricalthum gun was nowhere in sight. I was so worried that I nearly tripped over my feet, which is something I hardly ever do.

"Are you looking for something, Train?" Urahara asked.

"I think I dropped my gun somewhere. It's unlike me to lose something that close to me."

"Train, your choice of weapon, you were using it when you were still alive, am I correct?"

I nodded.

"Interesting, very interesting." He closed his fan with a snap. "My, my, my. Are you sure you were fighting with your gun?"

Now I'm more confused than ever. Somehow he knows something, not a specific answer just a theory. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm going to try something out. Now Train, I want you to close your eyes."

I lifted my eyebrow in suspicion. "Why should I? For all I know you might be planning to take me out."

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