Black Cat Reaper Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: <B>The Lost Cat</B>

Normal POV

The senkaimon opens up revealing Captain Hitsugaya, his lieutenant, Rangiku Matsumoto, Rukia Kuchiki, and squad 6's lieutenant, Renji Abarai. They land outside of Karakura Park as the sky turns to mid-afternoon.

"Remember, we're only here to search for the source. Once it's found we'll return back to Soul Society", Captain Hitsugaya orders. "Is that understood?"

Renji and Rukia nod their heads in understanding, but Rangiku says, "Oh Captain! Why can't we have a little fun? We are in the world of the living! We should enjoy ourselves in the time being. I think the stores might have new cheap products I can buy! Oooooo!"

A pulsating vein appears on Toshiro's head. He sighs, mainly because he didn't want to lose his nerve to yell at his vice-captain. "No, we can't Matsumoto. The faster we find the soul the quicker it'll be for our mission. And may I remind you if it falls into the wrong hands then both existence of the living and the dead will perish. It is our mission to return it to Seireitei alive. Honestly, it's bad enough you begged me to let you come, but it's worse if I let you stay and not do any paperwork during my absence. For all I know you might have a sake party in my office or other shenanigans you have in your devious mind."

Rangiku pouts and says, "You're no fun Captain."

"Captain Hitsugaya is right", Renji agrees. "For all we know this soul can be already in danger right under our noses. It's better to protect it now than later."

Rukia nods in agreement to her childhood friend. Rangiku continues to pout since her since her drinking buddy didn't side with her. The four shinigamis sense a very familiar spiritual pressure coming their way. They turn to see the substitute shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki, running towards them. He stops running and pants in exhaustion before speaking up.

"Hey Rukia, Renji, Rangiku, Toshiro-"

Toshiro's eyebrow twitches for a moment. "That's Captain Hitsugaya to you, Kurosaki."

Ichigo rolls his eyes. "Whatever. What are you guys doing here anyway?"

"There has been a report of a soul who released its spiritual pressure last night. I have orders from the Head Captain to retrieve this soul back alive after performing a konso on it."

"And you brought Renji, Rukia, and Rangiku to help you out? If I were you I'd leave Rangiku behind since she's the vice-captain of your squad."

"True but if you were me you'll realize how much paperwork your lazy subordinate leaves behind during your absence. How would you feel about that?"

"Fine I get your point...Oh, yeah! Speaking of souls have you seen one running past here?"

"Ichigo, we just got here", replies Rukia. "And no, we haven't. Is that the reason why you're not in school right now?"

Ichigo angrily makes a fist in front of them. "Yeah, that's right. When I find him I'm going to give him one hell of a beating before doing a konso on him."

"Hold on, this soul is a male...AND YOU LOST HIM?"

"Don't go blaming it all on me, Rukia! Karin told me he ran after he saw my dad going up to his body! I even took a look at him, and let me tell you he looked like he was sleeping on the street. And did I mention his body was lying in front of my HOUSE! Here's another thing-"

"Wait, Kurosaki", Toshiro interrupta. "You said his body was lying in front of your home?"

"Yeah. When I looked at him his body was a bit pale but he looked quite healthy for his age. He must've died from an illness last night."

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