Black Cat Reaper Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The Cat and the Unexpected

With everyone's help, after Train and Hitsugaya finished teaching Jenos a lesson on eating food that wasn't his, they all accomplished their cleaning task. The courtyard was so clean and spotless you can practically eat off it (there's no way they are doing it though). Without nothing better to do since they were excused from their other classes, they decided to have a small party with little snacks they got from the cafeteria lady. They laughed, shared stories... and some decided to show off their macho strength.

Throughout it all, Toshiro felt content. Relaxed. It might be because he was sitting next to Train. No, it's much more than that. Seeing each person laugh with delight. It's like their shoulder was lifted by whatever burden they had before they were deceased. It made Toshiro wonder... were they all assassins? He knew Saya was a Sweeper and Creed... what he heard was a madman. Echidna Parass was an enigma to him. But through it all...

...he still wondered how he managed to escape without being seen. And that hole... where did it come from? Does one of Train's comrades have the power? Do they have such a power? He would've sensed it during the time. The very thought perplexed the small captain.

"Okay, it's your turn, Captain Hitsugaya." a voice broke his train of thought.

He blinked. He looked at the group whose eyes were all on him. "Wha..." he uttered.

"I said it's your turn to tell us a story", Papper said to him.

He blinked again. "Story?" They want him, captain of squad ten, to tell them a story. What are they? Kindergarten?

"It's only sufficient to tell us a tale or a joke to brightened the day." D1iskenth insisted.

"I'm not into telling stories," Toshiro told them.

"So you're saying you have a boring life?" Hazard said and added, "That's okay. We understand if you do. All the more reason to say you're an antisocial nerd."

"Jenos!" Xioa Li yelled.

"What? I'm stating a fact."

"It's rude to compensate a captain!"

"I'm telling it how it is!"

"Why don't you talk about the moment you obtained your haori." Heard suggested, while ignoring the arguing freshmen duo.

"How about the time you heard your zanpakuto's voice?" Parass asked.

"Did you get bullied during your academy days?" Buckheimer teased.

'Why did I stick around again?' the captain prodigy pondered. He glanced at Heartnet, who stared at the young captain with curiosity, for a brief second. Oh yeah, that's why. "Do you really want me to talk about myself?" They nodded in response. He sighed. "Fine. In the academy, I was top rank in my class. I graduated within a year and I was put in a division with a seat. I was proud of myself."

"What I'm hearing is you're a nerd back then and you're still a nerd now." Ash jested. Toshiro's eyebrow twitched. "Not to mention, you're not a social character; so basically, you had no friends."

Saya narrowed her eyes. "Aren't you straightforward."

"I called it how I see it. Captain Hitsugaya may look like a sweetheart with cold, doe eyes, but I bet he's done nothing that's worth exciting." Toshiro really wanted to repeatedly pummel him.

"Keep talking to me like that and you'll find your tongue frozen." Toshiro threatened.

"Oooo~, a cold threat. I'm shivering in my shoes." That earned a hard slap from stoic Beluga, which Toshiro smirked but returned neutral before the students were aware of his facial expression.

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