Chapter 20

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Note: Before anything else, I just want to say that I blame work, Tokyo Ghoul, Owari no Seraph, Mirai Nikki, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and Junjou Romantica for distracting me over the last three weeks. *grovelling on my knees 'GOMENASAI! GOMENASAI! GOMENASAI!'* I haven't updated in a month. I'm so sorry, babies. But, I have three days off, so I have some time to update before I have to go back to work and then classes start back up on the 20th. 

On another note, Dominion did not make it through to the Qualifying Rounds for the Bromance Awards but it's okey! Thank you to all the lovely people who did vote. 

Anyways, just to let you guys know, I will be progressing forward with the actual intended plot line of this story. Yeah, there will still be smut but there will be plot. There is an actual plot, guys. *readers stare at me with the 'wtf are you talking about? i just want constant ot4 smexy times'* WELL, NOT EVERYONE'S DREAMS COME TRUE. *hides in the corner* Also, fuck Tokyo Ghoul. Like, seriously. The fuck? The. Fuck.

Mikey in the media is me throughout this whole chapter.

This note is a mess. Proceed.


"Lukey, wake up, please," Michael mumbled as he nudged the submissive gently.

The green-eyed boy was met with no response, except for Luke shifting to nuzzle himself closer to Michael's neck.

The slightly taller boy had slept over in Michael's room – after getting permission from their dominants, of course. The submissives had simply stayed up all night, talking about nothing and everything. Michael smiled at the boy nuzzling into him, as if he was trying to get warmer.

He loved Luke in many ways. They were lovers, definitely. He loved Luke like one would love someone they were in a relationship with but it was more than that. They were like best friends, the way they could talk to each other and the way one of them only had to glance at the other to understand what they were thinking.

They were usually on the same page, the same wavelength. For Michael, that was something he treasured deeply. He hadn't had many friends growing up because of his submissive nature and his overprotective father. He had no siblings, so socializing wasn't something familiar to him. But, with Luke, it was all easy. It was easy to be with Luke, almost as easy as breathing.

"Lukey," Michael tried again, nudging harder this time.

Luke's eyelids lifted to reveal blue eyes clouded with sleep.

The submissive groaned lightly, turning his face into the pillow beside Michael's head.

"Five more minutes, please," Luke mumbled into the material.

Michael smiled at Luke's behavior.

"Lukey. We need to wake up. Sir and Daddy are going to work soon and we need to make breakfast," he reminded the blonde.

Luke frowned, turning back to Michael with a disgruntled expression on his face.

"Why?" he grumbled. "Why do we have to make it? Why can't they make it themselves?"

Michael blinked at the other boy in confusion.

Luke's sudden aggression had taken him aback. The blonde had never had any objections to their duties before. If anything, Luke was always eager to start the day and he was usually up before Michael.

"Because, Sir and Daddy work all day to give us our nice things and keep us safe, happy. The least we could do is make sure they have something to eat before they leave and when they come back," he breathed out nervously, afraid of a confrontation.

Dominion (BDSM AU) • C.A.L.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now