Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I followed Preston up to the porch, my breath caught in my throat as the smell of cinnamon rolls greeted my nose. I rushed in, the calming aroma easing my tense muscles. "How was school, guys?" Dad asked, his gaze lifting from the book he held in his lap. He folded it closed, standing up and suffocating Preston and I with a hug.

"Same old, same old." Preston shrugs, his eyes narrowing on me. Dad looked at me, expecting an answer.

"It was school." I say, my voice shaky. "Where's mom?" I ask looking around.

"In the room." Dad says, patting my shoulder. I make my way to their room, greeting my mom with a smile. She welcomed me into her arms and kisses my forehead.

"Hey sweetie." She murmured, "Preston called me earlier, baby. What happened?" She asked, her voice gentle.

I inhaled sharply, burying my head in her chest. "I just had a hard day." I whisper, "A very hard day."

Mom ran her hands over my head, the ring of the oven alarm sounding from the kitchen. Mom jumped up, "Do you want a cinnamon roll?"

"Yes please." I smile, we rush into the kitchen to pull out the cinnamon rolls. Mom poured the glaze over them, our mouths watering helplessly.

Handing me a warm cinnamon roll, she smiled. Watching me expectantly, mom grinned. I moaned, the sweet glaze coating my tongue almost like hot chocolate. I sat down on the island stool, a sigh leaving my mouth.

"Feel better?" Mom asks with a smirk, I nod with a grin.

"I always feel better once I take a bite of your cooking." I mumble taking another large bite of my roll. Mom giggles, taking out some pans as she sighs.

"Go do your homework baby, I'm starting dinner now." Mom says, her head vanishing behind the fridge door.

"Yes ma'am." I snicker, skipping up the stairs to my room with my bag on my shoulder. I sigh, taking a seat at my desk I fish out my homework and start to work on it.

My mind goes into overdrive, working hard to get my homework done before dinner. My phone vibrates, breaking my concentration.

"Hello?" I mumble into the speaker once I answer the call, Gloria breathed heavily on the other line, I stop what I'm doing and start to panic. "Gloria?"

"Hospital, now. Baby, coming." She huffed, a horrendous groan breaking my eardrum.

"I'm coming! Hold on!" I screech. I jump out of my chair and toss my phone onto my bed. I rush back to it and end the call before rushing down the stairs.

"Dad!" I shriek, "Gloria's having the baby!" Dad jumps up without hesitation, Preston following. A look of terror passed over his face before he sighed.

"Guys," Preston mutters as we run to the car. Mom soon following after she turned everything off in the kitchen. "I have an announcement to make before we reach the hospital."

Dad puts the car in drive and speeds off. "I should have told you guys this sooner, probably would've saved my ass." Preston scratched the back of his neck as the hospital came into view. "I'm the dad."

Dad hit the breaks, cars honking, our family hissing. "What?!" We all screeched. Our eyes boring into Preston's soul.

"Let's get out of the road?" Preston murmurs, dad slowly moves forward, quickly parking before turning in his seat and grabbing Preston by the collar.

"Have you ever heard of the man's code?" Dad growled, "Let me explain it to you, son."

Mom gestures for us to exit the car, we do so and rush to the entrance of the hospital. We reach the desk and ask for Gloria's room. The woman looks at us oddly, her head tilting. "Only family is allowed. Please go take a seat, if you will."

Mom glares at the woman, we slowly find our way to the waiting area where we sit down nervously. Dad drags Preston up to the desk, we watch silently as he shouts at the receptionist. "This is my son, Preston Miller, he's the father of the Prince child that is on the way. He needs to be there and learn his lesson."

"Room 345, West hall. The nurse will hand you scrubs." The woman murmured nervously. Preston limped off, his mouth moving as he scolds himself.

"What happened back at the car?" Mom asks, her voice stern. Dad sighs, flopping down into the chair.

"Preston admitted to being the father, and so I explained the man's code. Rule number 47, never knock up your sister's best friend." Dad growls, "I'm disappointed in him."

"At least I know the father isn't some scumbag from school." I shrug, "It's liberating to know my brother is the dad."

"I swear, Kelsey Anne Miller, if you get pregnant I will murder you and keep the baby for myself." Mom grunts, "You have morals."

"I do." I sigh, "It's going to be a long night."

Dad nods his head and wraps his arm around mom, I watch the tv for a moment before deciding that I'm bored. I sigh in annoyance, realizing I left my phone back at the house.

Leaning my head back I release a groan. "Mom. Dad. Bored." I grumble, "Hungry, too."

"Let's go to the cafeteria then." Mom offers, "I hear they make great sandwiches."

I huff, "I'm stuck." I deliberately wiggle helplessly, mom rolls her eyes and pulls dad out of his chair.

"Then we'll be back." Mom says dragging dad down the hall. He stares back at me with a helpless expression, I grin with a giggle.

I pick at my fingernails, counting the minutes. I felt nervous for my best friend, angry and excited for my brother, and bored. Very bored.

I caught a glimpse of Gloria's mom, Lily, walking into the waiting room. "Hey Lily!" I call out. I jump out of my seat and tackle her with a hug. "Hows my best friend?"

"Killing Preston." Lily yawns, "Squeezing his hand with every contraction. She's got one more inch before she can give birth, if it doesn't happen soon, it's more than likely we'll be spending the whole night here."

"That's my bestie." I snicker thinking about the look on Preston's face as she crushes his hand. "Strong."

"That she is." Lily agrees, "I'm happy to be a grandma, but a bit depressed that it's so early on."

"Hey, at least you'll be able to play with your grandbaby rather than be stuck in a chair while he or she plays." I shrug, "Sounds great to me."

"It is," Lily nods, "Anyway, I need coffee. Pray for my baby, will you?"

"I will." I assure. I watch her hobble down the same hall my parents went. I sit back down and sigh, a tired yawn leaving my lips. I lay my head back and close my eyes, sleep taking control

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