Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Hank's P.O.V

I couldn't catch my breath as I ran down the streets, my heart beating fast as I worried about Kelsey. School was out in lockdown after Kelsey was hauled away, making it impossible for me to be with her.

The hospital was close, my lungs burning for a calmed breath. I threw open the front doors, running in with a red face. I huffed out a breath, the receptionist looking up in confusion. "Can I help you, young man?" She asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Kelsey Miller was brought in an hour ago, I'm..." I inhaled deeply, composing myself. "I'm the father."

"She's in ICU," the woman said, "Her mother in in with her. I can't let you in, I'm sorry."

My shoulder dropped, "ICU?" I breathe, my body shaking as the tears began to build. Fear swallowed me whole, her eyes growing wide wth concern.

"Her father is over in the waiting area." She said, "I'm sorry, sir."

I nodded, turning swiftly and walking with tense shoulders over to the waiting area. Mr. Miller sat in a chair, Preston, Gloria and the baby gathered in the seat next to him. Preston looked up, his face holding the same fear I felt. I sat next to Gloria, her hand falling in my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"She'll be fine." She whispered, her eyes glossy with tears. I shook my head, placing my hands over my eyes as I groaned.

The tears began to fall, everything coming forward and spilling over. "I hope so." I sobbed, my body feeling cold, lost, and hopeless.

"I can't lose her, Glo." I whisper, "I won't be able to live.."

"You won't lose her," Gloria sobbed, her tears falling along with my own. "We won't lose her."

I sniffled, shaking my head as I sat up. "I can't..." I inhaled deeply, "I cant just sit here waiting for them to tell us how she is."

"Where are you going?" Preston growled, his voice stern. I looked down at them, my body trembling as I kept my emotions at bay.

"To keep my promise." I whisper, thinking of the promise I made to my father. I left the hospital, searching my father's car until I found the debit card that held the money my father gifted me on his deathbed. I didn't accept at first, but the promise I made involved the money.

I put the keys in the ignition, the light from the sun shining over the strip mall I pulled into. I parked outside of Trinity Jewels, the jeweler my father came to for my mother's engagement ring 21 years ago. I walked in, the familiar face of my grandmother greeting me. She looked pristine as usual, her grief hidden within the blue depths of her eyes. This was our family's first location of Trinity Jewels, before the company began to sky rocket in business.

Her expression held understanding as she nodded her head, her white hair falling down in waves as she bent down. She pulled out a velvet box, sliding it over the counter and into my grasp. I opened it, my eyes closing.

"Grandma..." I whisper, my eyes opening to meet hers. She shook her head at me, a frown settling deep within her face.

"Don't." She hissed, "Your father had me set this ring aside, it was your great grandmother's. It's special."

"I got these for my great grand babies," she muttered handing me a box. "Don't open it until they come into this world. Now, go."

I slid the debit card onto the counter, grabbing the jewelry boxes I turned around. "Hank, I pray that she makes it."

I felt a chill roll down my spine as I ran out of the store, jumping into the car. I didn't hesitate to speed out of the parking lot, my heart slipping beats as I parked it quickly. When I entered the hospital, Mrs. Miller was just walking down the hall. Her face red as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Her eyes met mine, a small nod coming from her as I rushed towards her. "Room 147." She whispered, earning a small quiet thank you from me. I stuffed the boxes into my pockets, my breath hitching in my throat as I reached her room. I lightly pushed on the door, my chest feeling tight as I gazed at her.

Her eyes were closed, her body pale and curled into a ball. A doctor stood at the side of her bed, checking the equipment. "Is she alright?"

The doctor looked up, startled by my sudden appearance. "She's fine, surprisingly. But she'll most likely sleep for a while, she fought hard. While she sleeps, I'll be checking on her constantly. Just in case her organs decide to turn against us."

I nodded, fear clouding my vision. "Where's the babies?"

"Are you the father?" The doctor asked, his eyes narrowing on me. I nodded, watching as he set the clipboard down and walked towards me. "I'm going to warn you before you see them, you might be a little frightened by your baby girl."

I contemplated what he meant as we walked out of the room and down the hall, the room had a large window. Allowing us to look in at the babies before he allowed me to walk inside. "The Miller babies." He said to the nurse.

She guided us over to two cribs, one of the babies was swaddles in blue, the other in pink. I stood a stand in front of both of them. "Can I pick them up?"

"One at a time, but yes, you can." The nurse nodded, watching as I went for my son. Dark hair sat on top of his head, he wiggles a bit in my grasp. I smile, running my fingers over his forehead.

I set him down after kissing his head, going for my daughter. She rolled a bit before I picked her up, her face coming into view. Her eyes were wide open as she gazed up at me, a large smile forming on her face.

"What's..." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I picked her up. Looking at her deformed mouth. "Why is her mouth..?"

"She has a cleft palate, quite rare between twins but it happens." The doctor said, "She's still beautiful none the less."

I gazed at her, her smile bringing a warmth to my heart. "She is." I whisper, cradling her to my chest. "They both are."

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