Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I already missed my two babies as we drove away from the house, dinner was spectacular. It was delicious and after I ate I took the babies into the bathroom and fed them. It was fun, but apparently, it was about to get better.

Hank pulled onto a familiar road, his hand slipping through mine as we came to a stop at the lagoon. "Shall we?" Hank asked, pushing himself out of the car. I rolled my eyes, undressing myself alongside Hank.

We jumped into the water, the cool liquid lapping against our skin. I latched onto Hank, my body eager for his touch. Hank returned the eagerness, his teeth nibbling on my bottom lip.

I gasped, my body arching into his as he fought with my tongue for dominance. I let him have it, feeling his hard length against my abdomen. I jumped up, the crisp air hitting my chest as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He grinned, grabbing himself and lowering me onto him. He groaned, his head falling onto my chest as he thrusted. The water lapped against us, making the sensations intensify.

I felt that familiar warmth spread over my body, I began to shake, my legs tightening their hold in him. Hank shook his head, his eyes daring me to pull away. "There is no way you are getting away with just one orgasm. I've waited three months because you've been sick. I can't stand to wait another day without hearing you scream my name."

I gasped, my body still quaking from my already orgasming core. He kept slamming into me, the pleasure growing hard to stand as I cried out. I gripped his shoulder, breathless screeches escaping my parted lips. I felt him pull out briefly, releasing himself into the water before pumping his fingers into me. I couldn't help but scream, my body shaking and squirming. I felt him place me on the soft wet shore, my wet body flushed and shivered from the crisp breeze. The brief moment of broken contact brought me to believe I could have a break. But I was wrong.

I felt weak, but I didn't want it to stop. He grinned up at me from between my legs, breaking our kiss he crawled down. Blowing hot air over my swollen bud. I jolted, his tongue darting inside of me, swiping up and then swirling over me with great velocity. I quaked once again, my breathing unable to catch up. Hank laughed, falling beside me and finally allowing me to calm down.

He cradled me, running his fingers through my hair. "I love you so much, Kelsey." He whispered, kissing my neck lovingly.

"I love you too." I exhaled, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply. Hank chuckled, inhaling sharply as I sat up. He was still throbbing, twitching, and extremely hard. I smirked, looking at him with a mischievous gaze. "Let me return the favor.."

"Kelsey--" he tensed, my hand wrapping around him and pumping slowly. He screwed his eyes shut, bucking his hips against my hand. I straddled his legs, bending over and swirling my tongue over his tip. He growled, his eyes popping open as I opened my mouth and took him in.

I could hardly get to his base, pumping the rest of him as I bobbed my head up and down. He moaned, his stomach obviously tightening with the pressure. I pulled my mouth away, using my own saliva to assist. I pumped my hand as fast as I could, watching his body jerk. He exploded in my hand, his member twitching with relief. I released him, twisting around to wash away his seed.

He grabbed me, sitting up and pulling me to my feet along with him. He pulled on some shorts, handing me a towel. I wrapped it around my body, watching him with curiosity as he opened the car door. He reached in, I turned around, figuring he was just grabbing something. I looked out at the water, the moon reflecting off the water gracefully.

"Kelsey, look at me." I turned around, a gasp leaving my lips as I gazed at him. He got down on one knee, his face holding deep admiration and love. He revealed his hands, holding out a nose before opening it. I covered my mouth, my eyes wide as he cleared his throat. The ring shining from the blue rays of the moon.

"I've done wrong by you for so many years," Hank whispered, "I made a mistake and chose to ignore my feelings, I attempted to make them turn into hatred and disgust. But instead, I couldn't fight the love I held for you. And so, for this passed year, I've only fallen in love with you even more. I can't undo what I've done to you, but I can at least try to make up for it."

I gazed into his eyes, regret seemed to linger within the warm depths. "Hank.."

"Listen," he cleared his throat again, "You've been by my side through it all, I lost my father and became one. You've loved me and looked passed our history. You've comforted me and held me when I've needed it most. You've seen what even my mother doesn't see. You've seen me."

The tears began to roll down his cheeks, my own beginning to well up. "You have my heart through and through. And I want to spend the rest of my days with you."

He paused, averting his gaze briefly before looking back at me. His eyes holding fear and hope. "Will you marry me, Kelsey Miller?"

I lowered myself onto my knees, kissing his lips softly. I grabbed the box, my eyes not moving away from his. I pulled the ring out, slipping it onto my finger I grinned a wet teary grin.

"Yes, Hank." I murmur, throwing myself into his arms as joy clouded his eyes. He held me close, our joyful sobs mixing together in the silence. "I will spend everyday from now on with you. Hank, you had me at Kelsey."

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