Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I glared at my calendar, the day I marked taunting me. I've missed my period, its been almost two weeks since I should have started. Holding my breath I looked down at the pregnancy tests Gloria dropped off yesterday, preparing myself to take them.

I grabbed two and rushed to the bathroom, peeing on both of them I placed the caps back on and set them on the counter.

I sat on the toilet, waiting for the results to appear. I thought about how I've been avoiding Hank, I thought about how bad this will be if I'm pregnant. Tears were rolling down my cheeks by the time three minutes had passed. Grabbing the tests I glared down at them.

My stomach churned as my heart clenched. The two lines glared back at me, stabbing me with silent daggers. "No.." I choked out, panic settled in as I gazed at both of the tests. The both of them saying the same thing.

"No." I sobbed, "I can't be..." I covered my mouth as I tossed them under the sink. I slowly left the bathroom, my body shaking as I made my way to my phone.

I texted Gloria, letting her know that I'd be at her house within five minutes. I grabbed my brother's keys and hopped into his car, I didn't even bother changing out of my clothes. I drove to her house which was down the street.

I rushed inside, greeting Lily with a sad smile. "Where's Gloria?"

"Upstairs in the baby's room. What's wrong?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with concern.

"I just need my best friend." I whisper. Skipping up the stairs I ran into the baby's room, startling Gloria.

"Kelsey." She huffed, "You scared me." She took a moment to scan my expression before her eyes went big. "You took the test, didn't you."

I nod, my breaths growing heavy. "I'm pregnant." I murmur. Gloria placed Alexis in her crib and approached me. She wrapped me in a hug, the both of us shedding tears.

"It's okay." Gloria murmured, her hands running up and down my back. "You'll be okay."

"What did I do to deserve this?" I whisper, my body buckling from underneath me. I fell to my knees, Gloria following me down.

"You didn't do anything." Gloria sighs, "It happens."

Gloria stood up and grabbed Alexis, sitting back down on the ground she handed the baby to me.

Alexis cupped my cheek, her blue eyes narrowing as she snorted. "Kelsey, even though you're scared right now, this will be what you have to look forward to. A rolling baby that is completely and utterly loyal to you." Gloria mumbles, "I'm glad I had Lexi, if I hadn't of, well I don't know what would've become of me."

I sugjed, my fingers grazing Alexis' forehead and I smiled. "I guess you're right."

Gloria snickered, "Of course I'm right." She took her daughter away from me and grinned. "When your baby is old enough, they can have play dates."

I nod, "Yeah." I murmur placing my hand on my stomach. I didn't feel pregnant, but I knew I was. We sat in silence for a little while, my head spinning as a headache started to form.

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