Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I sat in the waiting room with my mom at the women's clinic, my breath shaky as I fiddled with my shirt. The girls here were older women, most with large bellies. One of them say next to me with two toddlers and a large belly. Her eyes were lined with dark bags, her hair up in a messy bun. She looked over at me with a small smile, her toddlers sitting at her feet.

"Hey," she greeted, "I'm Melany." I smiled back and turned to her fully. My heart pounding.

"Kelsey." I reply, Melany lowered her gaze to my stomach and sighed.

"Nervous?" Melany asked gently, her hand resting against her stomach. I nod, "First ultrasound?" She asked, I nodded once again. She placed her free hand on my arm and grinned.

"Are you keeping it?" She asked, I shrugged.

"I'm not sure if I am or not." I sigh, Melany frowned and looked at her babies.

"When I was 16, I got pregnant with those two." She says, "I wanted to abort but by the time I got enough money to do just that, I was attatched to the beings inside of me. I didn't think I was ready so I put up an add in the penny saver for couples looking for a baby."

"But you still have them." I point out, Melany looked at me with a smile.

"I got cold feet when they were about to sign the paper to legalize the adoption. I backed out and broke that couples' hope into pieces." She whispered, "I felt terrible about it for a couple of years, but then got a phone call when these two turned three. They were pregnant with a baby boy, and thanked me for backing out."

"Why would they thank you?" I ask looking at my mom who was lost in Melany's story.

"The money they had risen in order to pay for the adoption was used for fertility treatments, a surgery in order to place their fertilized egg in the right place." Melany grins, "I got my babies, and they got theirs."

I didn't have to reply, the nurse came out and called my name. "Thank you for tall in me that, Melany." I whisper as I rush passed the nurse. Mom followed me, her eyes locking with my own as we entered the exam room.

"Dr. Kerri will be in with you in a moment." The nurse said before slamming the door. I sat down on th tabke, my eyes scanning the ultrasound equipment. My heart sank into my stomach with anxiety as Dr. Kerri entered, her long blonde hair pulled into a neat bun. She grinned at us, the similarities between her and Naomi bringing a smile to my own face.

"You must be Kelsey." Dr. Kerri said, sticking her hand out in a friendly manner. I shook it with a nod.

"Don't be nervous," she said as she put on a pair of gloves. "You have options Kelsey, now please lay down on the table for me. What we do here is different than most clinics. I do the ultrasound first and then the check up. Such as blood samples and blood pressure, weight and all of that jazz." She waved her free hand around as she lifted my shirt. Squirting the gel on the bottom of my belly she pressed the handle like ultrasound took against my skin. I shuddered, the sound of my heartbeat leaving the small speakers of the ultrasound machine.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She asked first off, "It'll be fast and off sounding, but beautiful none the less."

I nodded eagerly, the sound of the heartbeat grew louder than my own, sounding as if I were underwater. I smiled, she was right. It was fast, odd, and beautiful.

"You look to be around 4 weeks along, the baby is barely big enough to be noticed." Dr. Kerri whispers, "But it's heartbeat is strong and healthy. As far as I can tell, your baby is healthy."

She removed the tool and wiped away to good with a towel. "Would you like your ultrasound pictures?"

"Of course." I murmur, I listened to the sound of a prints going off for a moment before she handed me two pictures. They were both of the tiny little dot, one of them for Hank.

"Thank you." I sniffle, she nodded her head.

"Let's sit up and head over to another exam room, exam room 3." She said, helping me off of the table. We followed her, my mom not having said a word.

She glare down at the pictures, her eyes not believing what they were seeing. "My baby.." she sniffed.

I ran my hand over her back before I sat down on the table, mom sat down and gently placed the photos on the chair next to her. She smiled, her eyes watching Dr. Kerri prepare my arm for the extraction of my blood. We filled four viles 1/3 of the way, they were small and color coded. She placed them in a boxe and took my blood pressure, her lips curling into a smile.

"You're all set," she said. "So far so good, I dont see anything wrong. I'll see you next month."

We all walked towards the exit, Dr. Kerri giving us a wave before she rushed off. "Mom, are you okay?" I ask.

Mom nods, "I'm fine Kelsey. It's just both of my babies have grown up too fast. I'm starting to think I raised you wrong."

"No, you didn't. I made a mistake his like my brother did. It has nothing to do with how you raised us." I whisper, "You did your best, mom."

Mom nods, "It's too late to try harder." She said.

I looked down in shame, I held the photos in my hands as we got in the car. "Can you drop me off at Hank's?"

Mom nodded, "Of course baby." She murmurs. I sit quietly, the soft hum of music keeping my ears busy as mom droce passed our house. She stopped by Hank's, her eyes meeting my own. Kissing my cheek she smiled, "Be good."

I nod, "I will be." I chuckle. Sliding ok of the car I skippedup to the porch. I knocked, waiting for a few seconds I sighed.

I remember what I was told years ago, I walked in with some reluctance. They said I would always be welcome to their home, even I I meant walking in without permission. I sat my ourse down on the bench next to the door and sighed. I picked at the cardboard hiding the photos with my fingernail as I approached the stairs. With a deep breath I took the first step.

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