Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

School was busy, students were cleaning out their lockers for the summer and teachers were prepping the seniors. Four more weeks until graduation, a few months had passed since Mr. Lott passed away. I've gotten quite sick, my ultrasounds were showing that the babies were healthy and doing just fine. I was large, my belly protruding from my body and through my clothes.

I waddled through the halls, walking to my classes with Hank next to me. Hank rubbed my lower back as we walked, I looked like a barf bag. "I feel terrible." I groan, placing my hands on my stomach. "And I have to go for another set of tests after school."

"You're carrying two little humans inside of you," Hank chuckles putting pressure on my tailbone. I moaned, it relieved a bit of the pain I felt in my spine. "That explains a lot by itself."

I nodded, "I guess." I sighed as we made it to my last class of the day. Hank cupped my cheek with a smile, kissing me briefly.

"I love you, and I'll meet you here after class." Hank said before turning away to walk the way we came. I sighed and opened the door, keeping my head down as I walked into the back and took a seat.

I leaned back with a puff, gaining some unwanted attention. The bell rang, alerting students that class had started. My teacher, Mr. Adams, leaned forward in he seat. His eyes looking around at the silent class.

He was young for a teacher, blonde hair with dark blue eyes. He smiled at us, causing the girls to swoon. I couldn't deny he was good looking, but he wasn't Hank.

"Today, for you seniors, I will be playing a movie that you all have earned over the year. As you know, we were studying the Titanic just a few days ago, and so, we will be watch the Titanic." He said tuning the projector on and putting the movie on. He skipped through the previews, pressing play on the movie. "You can move anywhere you like, make yourselves comfortable. Kelsey, can I speak with you for a minute outside?"

I nodded, pushing myself up with quite a bit of trouble. I followed Mr. Adams outside, he closed the door and stood with his arms crossed. His eyes holding concern.

"Kelsey," he began, "I'm worried about you."

"Why?" I ask breathlessly. Mr. Adams pulled over a desk chair and allowed me to sit in it. As he gazed down at me, I felt a bit uncomfortable.

"You look sickly, and I can tell you're having difficulties." Mr. Adams says, "Your grades aren't bad at all, and I'm worried you're stressing your body out."

"I'm fine," I sigh pressing my hands against my belly. I jumped, the wind leaving my lungs as the babies kicked. It was painful, I grimaced as they did it again. I felt the warmth spread through my legs, my cheeks flushing as I groaned in embarrassment.

"Did you..?" Mr. Adams looked down, quickly hiding the disgust.

"The babies," I breathe, "they kicked my bladder." Mr. Adams nodded. "I have a change of clothes in my bag if you could grab it for me?"

He nodded, running back into the room before returning with my bag. He helped me up, handling me the bag. I smiled, "Thanks. I'll be back in a few."

"If you need to, Kelsey, you can leave my class at any point of time. I won't change your grade because of it." He said as I walked away. I didn't reply, wanting to change so badly.

I walked into the bathroom, finding a stall and stripping out of my clothes. I placed my clothes in a plastics bag before hiding it under my school stuff. I felt the babies move, I pressed my hands against the counter, releasing a heavy breath.

I felt weak as I attempted to walk, but the pain seared throughout my lower body. I couldn't breathe, and in a panic I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, I'm Hailey. What's your emergency?" I groaned in pain, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor.

"I'm... something's wrong with my babies." I moan in pain, my stomach tightening. "Oh god.."

"What's your name? Where are you, ma'am?" She asked, her voice calm.

"I'm.. Kelsey," I paused to breathe, "I'm in the girl's bathroom at the local high school. Please... hurry." I beg.

"We're sending paramedics right now, Kelsey. Can you stay on the phone with me?" I groaned.

"Yeah." I murmur, praying that they'd be here as soon as possible. It was most likely ten minutes before paramedics came into the bathroom. Pulling me up and helping me onto the stretcher.

The hauled me away, students looking out to see what was happening. Teachers ushering them back as they rolled me out of the school. They put me in the ambulance. I felt dazed as they took me to the ER, finding me immediate help.

Words were blurred as the doctor and nurses shrouded me with questions and care. My vision crossed and pain seared throughout my body. My due date wasn't for another month, but as my stomach tightened and a loud cry came from my throat, I knew something was wrong.

"My babies..." I moaned out in agony, feeling the doctors rip my shirt from my body. I lifted my head, looking at the doctor with blurred vision.

"Dr. Kerri?" I whisper, gazing at my ultrasound technician. She smiled at me, grabbing my hand as she nodded.

"I'm here," She said, "And I'll be helping you in any way I can."

"Call..." I gasp, throwing my head back as another wave of pain coursed over me. "Mom."

My body began to shake, it felt as though my skin was being ripped off and then placed back just to be ripped off again. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything.

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