Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

My eyes fluttered open, the florescent lights blinded me for a moment before I sat up straight and stretched. In front of me stood Gloria, her face puffy and red, but her eyes glimmering with happiness. "They're letting me walk around." She said, "I want you to meet someone."

She yanked me out of my seat and waddled forward. I followed behind her, up the elevator, down the hall and into a room. She sat down on the hospital bed before rolling over a small hospital crib. She lifted a small little girl in her arms and smiled, "This is Alexis Grace Miller. She took Preston's last name, it was my plan to begin with anyway." She say with a grin.

I walk over and look down at the baby, she was swaddled in pink, her dark curly hair in a small pink bow on top of her head. "The only bad thing is I can't breastfeed." Gloria sighs, "I'm not producing any milk."

"Well," I say sitting down next to her. "At least you can still go to that party, you promised, with me next week."

Gloria grinned, "Absolutely. I'm sure mom won't mind watching her grandbaby."

A gentle knock came from the door, my gaze lifting to meet a familiar man standing in the door way. "Ms. Prince, my family and I are here to congratulate you." Mr. Lott said as he entered the room. Mrs. Lott, Hank, and Connie entered the room after him, their eyes landing on the newborn.

"That's very kind of you." Gloria grinned, Connie placed a small box next to Gloria's leg. She gave Gloria a kind smile, her eyes sparkling as she backed away. Gloria handed Alexis to me, my arms gently holding the baby. Gloria grasped the box and slowly opened it. She pulled out two bracelets, one small enough for Alexis and one for her. She looked at it, tears formed in her eyes as she sniffled.

"Oh guys." She sobbed, "These are beautiful. You didn't have to do this."

"Actually, we did." Mrs. Lott said with a grin. "Any new mom and baby deserve a reminder of their first memories of eachother. After all, Family is where our stories begin."

Gloria slid the bracelet over her hand and then placed the other on Alexis' chubby wrist. She smiled and pulled her baby back into her arms. She gave Alexis a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodness." Gloria murmured, "I'm still tuckered out."

"Then get some rest Glo." Connie said, "We'll leave you be."

"Thanks again, guys. The bracelets are beautiful." Gloria giggles. She placed Alexis back in the crib and sighs. "I'll see everyone after I take a nap."

I nod and stand up, pushing passed Hank I made my way back to the waiting are. Mom and Dad were getting ready to leave when I got there, Preston rubbing his swollen hand. "Women in labor are dangerous." He whispered.

I laughed, we started towards the exit making small talk. My shoulder was grasped by a large hand, turning me around, Hank glared down at me. My body had tensed, my eyes wide as fear coursed over my body.

"Kelsey," he muttered, his eyes hodded, his expression dangerously unreadable. He seemed to struggle with something, the Hank that tortured me over the years seemed to deflate before me. I found the slightest bit of courage within me, enough courage to push his hand off of me and scowl.

Turning on my heel I ran away, my heart drumming in my ears as I did. I threw myself into the car, my family look in at me with odd expressions. "What took you so long?"

"Lily." I say, "She wanted to give me a hug."

"We'll then, let's go." Mom said, "How does that small cafe around the corner sound for breakfast?"

"Amazing." Preston hummed, still cradling his hand. Dad drove us towards the cafe, our stomach demanding food. We did He into the cafe, immediately going over to a booth. A waitress made her way over to us, her small shy aura consuming the table. We placed our drink orders and watched as she walked away.

I sighed, my head greeting the cool table. "Kels," Dad huffs, "I'm starving."

"We all are." I reply, the group humming in response. We sat in silence for a moment, scanning the menus for something that sounded good. I decided on pancakes, mom and dad got biscuits and gravy while Preston got a pound of toast.

We placed our food orders and once again fell into silence, our mouth stuffed with food. We were done in a few minutes, our stomach full to the brim. We waddled up to the counter and paid for the food, eager to get home and sleep.

I ran to my room once we got hom, my bed welcoming me with warmth. I exhaled happily, my eyes closing quickly. Sleep took over within seconds, my body falling into the darkness.

Sleep didn't last as long as I would liled, my body being shaken awake. My eyes popped open, greeting my brother's face.."What do you want?" I grumble, shoving my dad back into my pillows.

"Mom and dad went out to the grocery store." Preston mumbled, "And Hank is here for some reason."

I groan, "Tell him to go away." Preston snorts, yanking my bed covers away he burst into a fit of laughter. "You've said that like ten times in the past hour. Just get up and go tell him yourself.".

I sigh and roll out of bed, not bothering to fix my hair or anything like that I go down to banish my bully. I gazed down at him, his hair slicked back against his head.

"Go away." I grumble. He smirks, a small laugh exiting his throat.

"Not until you listen to what I have to say." Hank says, I reach him and place my hand on my hip.

I approach him and place my hands on his chest. "I'm listening." I say, my voice low and husky.

Surprise crosses over his face before he chuckles. "Well," I begin to back him ul, my body growing closer to his as I open the door slowly.

I shove him outside, "Go away." I growl slamming the door. I lock it and stomp back up to my room.

"Stupid Hank." I grunt throw in myself back into my bed. "Lovely sleep."

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