Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I held my breath as I walked through the halls, I kept my eyes open and look in around for Hank. I was distrubed by what they were saying about Hank. They used to love him, and now, it's like he switched places with me.

"Did you hear about what Hank did saturday?" I stopped, my ears perking up as I stare to feel angry at these hypocritical bastards.

"I know, he's such a freak." I body grew hot as anger flooded me. I turns towards the group of teens speaking about Hank, with a huff I approached the group.

"Hey guys." I greet, forcing a smile into my face. They looked at me with odd expressions, their eyes skeptical. "I heard something about Hank, what happened?"

"You didn't know?" One gladly spoke up, "He tried to commit suicide. I heard some girl came and rescued him. Haven't heard who it was though."

"That's just sad." I agree, "But you want to know what's even worse?"

"What?" They eagerly leaned in, waiting for me to spill my secret. I grinned, my hands grasping to two people next me by the necks. I leans forward opening my mouth as if I were about to speak. I smashed their heads together and growled.

"You guys." I huff, watching them wince. "You guys are pathetic. Don't you have something better to do than talk about someone who is in need of friends? I was the girl that saved him,and I'm glad I did. He may have been my bully, but no one deserves to die by their own hand. Keep your noses out of other people's shit. You no good gossiping assholes."

I walked away with my head high, the crowded hallway of students was silent, watching me as I walked by. I made my way to my locker, my eye locking on Hank who kept his head down. Three football players had surrounded him, talking to him with loud threatening tones. I sighed, waltzing over to them I poked one of them.

"What's going on?" I ask curiously. They exchange glances before laughing.

"How's it any of your buisness?" One growls, I snicker and clap mockingly.

"Because, no one bullies my bully." I grunt, kicking the one who spoke to me. They looked at each other before walking away.

"It got boring anyway." One growled as they all hobbled off.

"Are you okay?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder. He shied away, his eyes locking with my own. My heart sank to the floor as he glared.

"I'm fine." He grunts, "Just leave me alone, please."

I stumble back in shock, "What? Why?" I murmur, my eyes filling with tears from my uncontrollable emotions.

"Are you playing with me?" Hank asks, "Am I just some joke to you?"

"What are you talking about Hank?" I ask stepping back as he stepped forward. A dark look crossed over his face as he looked down at my stomach. For a second, I thought he could see through me.

"You don't love me, do you?" He asked, his voice low and devoid of emotion. "You... do you feel obligated because I'm hurt to say shit like that?"

"I dont understand..." I stammer, "I do love you..."

"No you don't!" Hank hissed. Pushing my shoulder with his large hand. I fell back, my body hitting the linuleom. I cried out in pain, my legs closing as I clutching my stomach in fear. I felt as if he were going to kick me, his foot settling back. I watched in horror as it came at me. Shielding myself from the blow I screeched.

"Stop!" I scream, "I'm pregnant!"

The hallway fell silent once again, all eyes on me. I looked up at Hank, his eyes swirling with emotion. His expression softened as he fell to his knees. He cradled me, holding me tightly against him as he rocks back and forth. "I'm so sorry."

"You..." I cried, "You were going to kick me..."

"I wasn't, I swear." He whispers, "I... oh my god. I'm so sorry."

"You idiot." I sob, "You stupid asshole." I hid my face in his chest and sniffled. "You retarded prick."

"I wasn't going to." He whispered. "I wasn't."

"I believe you..." I mutter, "You just scared me. Why would you think I was lying about that?"

"I.." He lifts us up off the floor and hugs me. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay.. just don't do stuff like that." I scold, looking into his eyes. "I really do love you, Hank."

He kisses me, in front of everyone. "Is it mine?" He asks, pressing his hand on my stomach.

"How else's would it be?" I whisper, he snickers.

"I think we need to leave." He says, I nod in agreement and walk alongside him towards the school exit. The teachers don't stop us as we leave the school, Hank leads me to his car and we get in. "Where to?"

"I don't care." I sigh, "Just out of here."

I lean back in my seat, the throbbing in my bones decreasing a bit. "You need to control your temper."

"I know." He says as we drive along the road. "And, I have the perfect place."

We drive through town until we reach the woodsy part of town, he then in a dirt road and drives down it like a maniac. I jump around in my seat as we got bumps, my body being thrown around. We reach the senior watering hole, a small lagoon hidden by trees and shrubs.

"Let's get naked." Hank smirks, I roll my eyes and slide out of the car. I stripped down, I felt fine be in in the nude around Hank. I watched him tie a plastic bag around his wound, placing medical tape around every hole, around his fingers and forearm. He stood in all his glory, his member sitting against his leg. I looked away with hot cheeks, feeling the same tension growing in my core. I shook it off and sighed.

"Let's swim." I say before jumping in.

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