Bonus - Future 2

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Thanks for #279 in short story *throws a virtual party*

Happy reading xD

Bonus #2

Dear Tiger and Chipmunk,

*puts down phone and reaches for the T.V. remote* *swats head and takes phone again* Mom, dad seriously? What the hell is this guys? Tiger? Chipmunk? Wow, you guys are really cheesy and sappy. I'm shuddering.

I read your 'well hidden' entry thingies and seriously guys, you both are dumb.

But I've to give you two some credit. Saving a bunch of random meaningless writings for more than twenty years through all the cellphones you've changed? I wouldn't be able to do that.

So yeah, long story short. The guys were sleeping after loading pizzas and coke that would've fed a small country. I had nothing good to do. Was surfing this old phone of yours, mom. Saw this 'well hidden' letters (dad I didn't need even have to wait for H— um, aunty to talk to mom to sneak these writings. Ha, privileges of being her son *slips Ray ban on* And jeez, cut out the jealousy. You're her top man. I'm her top boy. And Grandpa is her top father; see what I did there? We all got first place. And yeah, obviously I'm the genius here. Just admit it, pops. And whoa, this got big, didn't it? I'm as big a rambler as mom I guess).

Since I saw that you guys wrote these entries, I felt like it was a family tradition so here I am, writing a very mom like letter with so much randomness added to it while I'm surrounded by human version pigs who smell like pizza sauce, cheese and garlic.

But your story was actually... nice (can you hand me the axe so that I can kill myself and not sound like a tween reading Young Adult books for the first time? God...). And though I won't be such a sappy dude like you, old man, I'll be sure to hold on to the one girl I love even if she rejects me 'cause I just saw first hand that persistence indeed cracks the tough cookie :P

Well these guys are stirring and I gotta go before they see this and make fun of our whole family and refer to me as an unnamed cross between Tiger and Chipmunk and um... the image is disturbing. Like, very disturbing.

Alright. See ya folks on dinner.

With *sighs and rolls eyes* love *cringe*,
Cross between Tiger and Chipmunk (the image is seriously disturbing).


I love their son! *grins sheepishly*

Did you like the story? Yes? No? DO TELL! Show your support for Confessions and I'd love you forever ;)

Bye! *gives a bear hug and ice cream cake screaming 'I love you' in Chipmunk's voice*

Misty ✌

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