chapter one - lockdown

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Luke walked through the front doors of Washington State High School(im canadian and know not a single thing about the us so bare with me) and placed the gun into the front of his pants. He made his way over to the office and stepped in, removing the gun slowly out of his pants. 

"I need you all to listen to me," He spoke slowly and loudly, making all the staff to look over at Luke with terrifying looks on their faces.

"Listen to me and no one get's hurt," He spoke again.

He clearly heard the intercom go off in the hall, indicating that the school was in lockdown. Luke knew he had to act fast or else the police would be here before he could complete his mission.

"I need you to get me a boy," Luke explained, eyeing everyone. "Can you do that?" 

No one answered so he pointed his gun at the woman in front of him. "Did you hear me?!"

The woman shakingly nodded.

"You get me the boy and I won't shoot," Luke spoke again. "I'm not going to hurt the boy, I just want to talk, you understand that?" 

The lady nodded again.

"His name is Michael Clifford, call him down to meet me at the front foyer. Mention the name Luke Robert."

With that, Luke left the office and into the front foyer. He heard Michael being called down and he smiled to himself. It wasn't a long wait, and before he knew it the smaller boy in light blue skinny jeans was standing in front of him. 

Luke was three years older than Michael, and even though Luke was a friend of Michael's brothers, he adored Michael so much more.

Michael giggled when he saw Luke standing there in a black hoodie, black jeans and a gun.

"What are you doing here? You're going to get in trouble!" Michael giggled.

"You always talked about how you wanted to get away, leave home and never look back. I'm going to get you out of here."

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