chapter eleven - barn

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Michael turned to Luke when he parked. "Where are we?"

Luke shrugged. "At a barn."

"Yeah, but isn't this illegal? This is someone's property," Michael sighed.

"For one, how many illegal things have we done? And for two, I've been here many times, it's abandoned," Luke said, getting out of the car.

Michael frowned, he was tired of this. He got out of the car and followed Luke into the barn.

"Hey good looking, make yourself useful and move some hay so I can make a fire, would ya?" Luke called across the barn.

Michael frowned again, he didn't know what got into Luke, he used to be sweet and now he was just harsh. Michael did was Luke said anyways. He then took a seat on the hay and watched Luke set up the fire. Luke sat across from him.

"Hey Luke?" Michael asked, looking at the fire.

"Yeah?" Luke looked up.

"This has been fun and all, but when are we going home?" 

"Oh Michael honey, we can't go home," Luke answered.

Michael was quiet for a minute. "Why?"

"Why? Is that even a question?" Luke half chuckled.

"It is.." Michael was scared.

"Michael, I've basically kidnapped you, we can't go home!" Luke said.

"But, you didn't. I was perfectly fine with it, isn't that just running away from someone?" Michael argued.

"Sure, yeah, but they don't know that! And it's been so long now, who know's what they would think if you told them that," Luke said.


"If we go home that's it for me, I'm going straight to jail," Luke sighed.

"W-would I got to jail?" Michael asked.

"No, you were kidnapped. But I would, for years too, we stole a car, ripped off so many people, my cards are fake, there's so much shit we have done," Luke explained.

"Oh.." Michael whispered.

"They're probably looking for us right now, who knows how long we have till they find us anyways," Luke shrugs.

"They're not looking for us.." Michael said, looking at his lap.

"What do you mean?"

"No one liked me, I just had you and Riley, my parents don't care about me, they're probably happy I'm gone," Michael shrugged.

"Darling, are you kidding me? So many people cared about you, you just didn't see it. I saw the way people looked at you at school, they looked at you like you were the most precious thing ever. And you are. You adorable, caring, overall perfect, sweetheart. I'd be shocked if no one cared," Luke argued.

Michael shrugged.

"Anyways, it's kinda mandatory to find me, I put a school in lockdown."

That made Michael giggle, remembering that day.

"Your giggle is cute," Luke noted.

Michael blushed, "you're cute."

Luke chuckled. "If you really want to go home, we can."

"Let's just go to sleep," Michael mumbled.

So whatta think? Will they go home? ;D Happy easter!! Or if you don't celebrate, happy sunday! I'm on spring break :)

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