chapter four - dream

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Trigger warning? not edited either.

Michael lied under the blanket, holding it over his head, his hands covering his ears, not that it helped. The screaming was becoming too much for him. He had experienced years and years of it, and even though he should be used to it, he wasn't.

Michael's door flew open making Michael jump and throw the blanket off him.

"It's okay, Mikey, it's just me," Michael's brother, Riley, spoke softly, closing the door again.

Michael sat up slowly and sniffled. 

"It's okay," Riley hushed, pulling Michael into his lap. "We're going to be okay, you're going to get out of here, you're going to get away one day, we just have to be strong, you can get through it."

"What about you?" Michael asked, looking up at his brother.

Riley stayed quiet and just held his hands over Michael's years, silently praying that the yelling would stop soon. This was a weekly routine for the two. Riley was older than Michael and hated seeing his younger brother be so sensitive towards their parents. He also hated his parents for being such terrible people and putting their kids through such crazy shit.

The yelling did end, after twenty minutes. To Riley, it felt like hours, considering Michael was sniffling and whimpering while clinging onto him. The two stayed together though, because you never know when it could to start again. Plus, Riley would never leave Michael until he completely calmed down, which was usually when Michael fell asleep.

Michael slowly did calm down, but that was until the door opened once again. 

"What is this?!" Their dad yelled, obviously drunk.

The boys stayed quiet.

"Riley, I gave you a list of things to do!  Why the hell are you in here cuddling your brother instead?!"

Riley gently pried Michael off him and stood up. "Maybe if you and mom weren't such mental people I wouldn't have to be in here! And maybe all those things would be done! But instead, our mom is a bitch and our dad is a prick," Riley yelled, fed up with the constant problems their family had. 

Their dad rose his hand and brought it against Riley's cheek, hard. Riley grunted and Michael whimpered. 

"Don't talk about your mom and I like that! Who raises you? Who pays the bills? Who buys the food?" He yelled. "Now get your ass down the stairs and continue doing the shit you're supposed to be doing!"

Michael stayed quiet and Riley left the room, sighing.

"And you, Michael, why the hell are you such a baby? Can't listen to a little yelling?" Michael's dad asked, walking closer to Michael.

Michael whimpered as he looked up at his dad.

"You're such a pussy," he laughed, "I thought I raised you better than this."

"I hate you," Michael whispered.

"What was that?"

"I said," Michael started, feeling more confident and stood up. "I said I hate you!"

Michael's dad grabbed Michael's shirt and pulled him so close to his face, Michael could practically taste the alcohol. 

"Don't yell at me, faggot."

With that, Michael's dad shoved him to the ground and kicked him in the stomach, causing Michael to choke. "Grow up!" He yelled kicking Michael again.

Michael didn't know what to do so he sat there, eyes shut tightly and taking the pain.


"Michael wake up!" Luke yelled.

Michael shot up and gasped for air.

"Are you alright??" Luke asked, looking over at Michael before returning his eyes back on the road.

"Y-yeah.." Michael panted, relaxing into his chair.

"Crazy dream?" Luke questioned.

"Hmm? No, I wasn't dreaming," Michael knew he was dreaming, but it wasn't just a dream, it was a memory.

Luke laughed. "You were for sure dreaming, people don't just scream like that in their sleep for no reason."

Michael decided to remain quiet and just sit there, trying to get the memory off  of his mind. He knew it'd be extremely hard, but maybe, just maybe, Luke would be the one to help him forget his past.

kinda dark chapter, sorry. :) If you care about me and not just the story, feel free to listen to my little rant, if not, you can leave, I understand some of you are just here for the story :P thanks for reading anyways!

Anyways okay, so im going through some tough shit right now. My dad is going through stuff, so is my mom, causing them to be in bad moods and fight. I hate it. It scares me, and I can't even talk to my best friend because she's pissed at me for some stupid reason. My other friends I can't talk to either because they don't know what's going on and it'd take forever to explain, plus I don't think they care all that much. So I'm just sitting here bottling up shit and it's stressing me out. Plus exams start Friday gaaaah.

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