chapter five - motel

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"Michael, wake up, we're here," Luke said gently, shaking Michael.

Michael yawned and opened his eyes slowly. "Where's here?"

"A motel, a place to stay for the night," Luke explained, getting out of the car. 

Michael followed him. Luke suddenly felt nervous, as they were out in a scary town at a run down motel with creepy people. He stopped and turned to Michael. He bit his lip slightly and looked down. 

"What?" Michael asked, looking up at Luke.

"I uh.." Luke whispered, but then just did it.

He slid his hand into Michael's, gripping onto the small hand tightly. Michael just kept looking up at Luke.

"There are a lot of scary people here, I need you to be safe," Luke explained.

Michael nodded. "O-Okay."

Luke smiled softly and walked into the front office where the rooms were sold. He went to ring the bell before Michael grabbed his arm quickly. Luke looked at Michael worriedly.

"Can I do it?" Michael whispered.

Luke chuckled and nodded, "go for it."

So Michael did, he rang the bell with a wide smile. Soon a nice looking lady wandered to the front of the room. 

"One room?" She asked, with a smile. 

Michael got distracted after that and let go of Luke's hand, wandering over towards the magazines. He flicked through them, and as he got deeper and deeper, he got more confused and scared.

"I got our room," Luke said, jiggling the keys.

"Hey, Luke? Why are these girls wearing so little clothes?" Michael asked, holding up a magazine.

Luke laughed and took the magazine from Michael. "Honey, that's porn."

"Oh," Michael whispered, looking at the floor.

"Come on," Luke said, walking Michael to their room.

They stepped in after unlocking it and Michael looked around.

"One bed?" He asked.

"It's uh, all they had," Luke mumbled.

Michael nodded. "It's fine, I can sleep on the floor."

Luke shook his head, "we can share the bed, I mean it is pretty big, but if that bothers you, I can sleep on the floor."

Michael shook his head and blushes. "T-that's fine."

"Well, I'm going to shower," Luke said, heading for the bathroom.

Michael nodded and sat down on the bed. He sighed when the bathroom door shut and ran his hand through his hair. He didn't know what he was doing, where they were going, where this was going. If he was being honest with himself, he was scared.

He did want to leave, he wanted to leave so badly. He never expected to leave this quickly, or with such a person. Luke, to him, was always known as his brothers hot best friend. The one who promised Michael to get him out of there, but deep down, Michael knew it wouldn't happened. Promises never worked out of him. Especially involving beautiful blondes, like Luke.

But he was wrong, and here he was. Sitting on a motel bed, a bed that he'd share with that beautiful blonde. He'd also be with the boy for who knows how long. That was the only thing keeping Michael sane.

Michael's thoughts were interrupted when the door to the bathroom and there in front of him was Luke. Bare chest, bare torso, nothing but a towel wrapped around him and his hair dripping wet.

"I forgot my bag in the car," Luke stated, before leaving the room and coming back shortly with a bag.

"Is there anything in there I can change into?" Michael asked.

Luke placed it on the bed and opened, digging through it.

"You can wear my flannel?" Luke suggested, pulling it out.

Michael nodded and stood up, taking it from him. "Turn around, please."

Luke did so and Michael took off him clothes and buttoned the loose shirt over him. When Michael looked up, Luke was changed as well. 

"Ready?" Luke asked, turning around.

Michael nodded and climbing into the bed the same time as Luke. 

"Goodnight, beautiful," Luke whispered before rolling over and turning off the light.

They both fell asleep easily. Who knew being able to listen to someone else breathing would calm someone down so well.

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