chapter three - drive

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"Luke?" Michael spoke up after a silent half hour.

"Yes, love?" Luke asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Why are you doing this? For me, I mean," Michael asked, staring at his lap.

"Michael, I've known you since you were five, you practically lived in hell, I could see it in your eyes, you wanted nothing more than to leave. I wanted to be that person to change the look in your eyes from fear, hatred and disgust to happiness, love and brightness," Luke explained effortlessly.

"Love?" Michael asked looking up.

"Yeah, y'know, love as in you love where you are, you love how you're free, you love life," Luke mumbled.

Michael nodded. "What about Riley? Does he know what you did?" 

"It was partially Riley's idea, I mean, of course I was the one who got creative, threw in the gun and the lockdown part," Luke explained, chuckling.

Michael giggled. "Riley's not that creative, he'd be too scared to suggest anything involving a gun."

"Exactly, so it was me who made this mission more fun than it was already intended to be."


Another hour passed before Michael spoke up again. Well, he more yelled that anything.


Luke shot his head towards Michael. "What?"

"My school has camera's! They'll know your license plate number!"

Luke chuckled. "I'm not stupid, I have a plan."

"Plan?" Michael asked.

"Yes, just sit tight for a few more minutes."

Michael did as told and waited a few more minutes before Luke pulled up to a house. They were in the middle of nowhere, so there were only a few farm houses every couple of miles or so. It was dark now, so Michael was confused as to why they were pulling up to a stranger's house.

"Can you open up the glove box please?" Luke asked, glancing over at Michael.

Michael nodded and did as told. 

"Hand me that metal thing."

Michael reached into the glove box and pulled out a metal rod. "What are we doing?"

"Put your hood up, let's go." Luke said, getting out of the car.

Michael put up his hood and hurried out the car. He followed Luke up the driveway and towards a car.

"What are we doing?" Michael asked again.

"Shh!" Luke yelled as he put the metal against the window but it was too dark for Michael to see what he was doing.

Michael heard a click and suddenly there was a light coming from the car. Luke had unlocked the car. 

"Get in," Luke instructed.

Michael nodded, slightly frightened and got in the passenger side. When he got in Luke was playing with some wires.

"What are we doing?" Michael repeated for the third time.

Suddenly the car started up and once again Luke was speeding down a driveway and down the street.

"Did we just steal a car?" Michael squeaked.

Luke nodded. "Yeah.."

"Wow. Awesome!"

Thank you to @heavenmgc for making my cover :')

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