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Luke got out of jail four years later and Michael was the one to pick him up. When Michael saw Luke walk out, he felt sick. Luke was beat up, had bags under his eyes and looked like a wreck. But the second Luke saw Michael, everything changed. His face and eyes lit up and he looked so much better. Even though Michael's feelings never left he could feel himself falling in love all over again.

Luke ran over to Michael and they didn't even need to say anything, they just stood there, in each other's arms, making up for the time lost.

"You waited," Luke breathed.

"I promised I would, just like you promised you'd get me out of here," Michael smiled at the taller boy.

"I'm sorry that that never turned out as planned.. I'm sorry you had to come back home.. I'm sorry you had to experience that again, I'm sorry.." Michael cut Luke off with a kiss. It was short but well needed.

"Shh, I'm okay, we're okay," Michael whispered.

Luke smiled. "I love you."

"Let's get you out of here."

So Michael took Luke back to his house where he changed his clothes. Michael didn't know anything about Luke's family but he did know that he was in conditions like he was. 

"Are you ready to go?" Michael asked Luke.

"Go? Where?" Luke asked.

Michael just smiled and took Luke's hand, going back to Luke's car which he got to keep and learnt to drive over the four years. He drove back to his place.

"My parent's aren't home, we're fine," He said and got out, going in with Luke. 

Luke followed Michael quietly into his room. He was shocked when he saw Michael packing up his stuff. 

"Darling? What are you doing?" Luke asked.

Michael turned around and smiled at Luke. "I saw what being in prison did to you, I saw how you looked in court that day and when you got arrested. You are not a criminal, Luke. And you know that. You were just trying to save me, and you did. I've never wanted to be more alive than I am now."

Luke placed his hands on his lover's waist gently. 

"You and I are getting out of here, Luke, for good."

AAAAND THE END. omg I'm sad it's over, I loved writing this story so much. Thank you all for your support! And feel free to exit out now as I am about to self promote.

If you liked this story feel free to read some of my other work! If you like sad fanfics, I suggest Gone(it's also muke), if you like more fun stories I suggest Lingerie model(muke) or Elevator(Malum) and a more serious(ish lol) story would be kitten, along with it's sequel the cat and the wolf(also muke lmao) Thanks again for reading! 

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