chapter eight - laundromat

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The two continued on their journey for many weeks. They've been in many cities, slept in many motels and drove many hours.

"Why are we stopping here?" Michael asked, looking up at the bright sign.

"Can't you read?" Luke chuckled.

Michael nodded. "Yeah.. But it's three in the morning, why are we at a laundromat?"

"We need to do our laundry and this is the only time no one is around," Luke shrugged getting out of the car with their bags.

Michael followed him into the building.

"Hey, do you have any nickles?" Luke asked.

Michael stared blankly at Luke, making him laugh.

"I'm only kidding, cutie, I have a trick."

"But that's stealing!" Michael protested.

"Honey, we stole a car," Luke said.

"Oh," Michael said. "Right."

Luke walked up to a washing machine and to the nickel dispenser. "Watch and learn."

Michael watched as Luke pulled out a pocket knife and pulled the small area, it moved a bit. 

"Just wait," Luke said, reaching into his pocket. 

He pulled out a bobby pin. "They lock these extra tight because they know how some people are."

With one more tug and one more turn, the dispenser opened and nickels came pouring out. "Wala!" 

Michael laughed and shook his head. 

"What?" Luke asked. "It's a difficult thing to do!" 

"Watch me," Michael huffed, taking the knife and bobby pin from Luke and walked to another washer. 

Within a swift motion more nickels were pouring out. 

"Ha." Michael laughed, sticking out his tongue at Luke. "Not so hard."

"You're cute," Luke said with a smile.

Michael shrugged. "I get told that a lot." He jumped up onto a washer.

"Oh really?" Luke asked, stepping in between Michael's legs.

"Really," Michael giggled, poking Luke's name.

"And who is it that tells you?" Luke asked, resting an arm on either side of Michael.

"You," Michael said, smiling.

Luke got close to Michael's face but looked away quickly when he heard the door open.

"Don't mind me," a man said, "just picking up my laundry."

Luke nodded and stepped back from Michael. Michael jumped down and started sorting his laundry into lights and darks. Luke laughed.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"These are new clothes! I don't want anything to turn pink," Michael explained.

"That's just a myth," Luke said, shoving his clothes in the washer.

"Is it?" Michael giggled.

"Yes it is," Luke chuckled, tickling Michael's side, making him squeal.

"We'll just see about that," Michael giggled, putting his clothes in separate washers. 

They put in their nickels and Michael sat back up on the washer as it went on with its washing. 

"I'm hungry," Michael whined. 

"And? It's three in the morning! Nothing's opened," Luke explained.

"There's a vending machine over there," Michael said, pointing.

"Oh, and you think I'm just made of money?" Luke teased.

"Your credit cards a stolen, your car is stolen, we just stole nickels, why can't we steal food?" Michael asked like it was a normal thing to do.

"I stole your innocence, you poor child," Luke pouted, walking towards the vending machine.

Michael watched every one of Luke's movements, smiling. Michael had grown really fond of this boy. He may of seemed frightening, but he was softhearted. He cared, he loved. He was really smart too. Michael couldn't be any happier. 

Luke came back a minute later with cheesies and a juice for Michael and doritos and a coffee for himself. Michael smiled happily at the food and popped a cheesie in his mouth.

"Want one?" Michael asked, mouth full.

Luke nodded, opening his mouth. Michael popped one in. Luke positioned himself to stand between Michael's legs again and smiled.

"Want a dorito?" Luke asked

Michael nodded but instead of giving Michael a dorito Luke gave Michael something else. A kiss. He placed his lips softly against Michael's. At first Michael didn't know what he was doing, but then he was moving his lips back against Luke's. Luke couldn't help but pull back because of the goofy smile on his face.

"You know how long I've been waiting to do that?" Luke asked.

Michael shrugged, too flustered to speak.

"A long time."

IT'S ABOUT TIME. lol jk. Anyways, I have a new story! It's called Gone. It's a muke fanfic duh. And expect a malum one soon! Thank you for all your support on this story, it's really fun to write!

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