chapter fourteen - insane

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Like usual, Luke was speeding away. He drove until he found a motel at least a few miles away. Michael and Luke got out and got a room. Luke sat on the bed and sighed.

"They're onto us, Michael," Luke said.

Michael sat next to Luke and patted his shoulder. "We're going to be okay."

"Stop it," Luke said, a little harshly. 

"What?" Michael asked, removing his hand.

"Stop doing that, stop driving me insane," Luke said, standing up.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked, worried.

"You, you drive me insane! Stop it!" Luke yelled.

Michael's eyes widened. Luke sat on the floor and ran his hand through his hair.

"Fuck.." He mumbled and put his head in his hands.

Michael got up and sat next to Luke. Luke looked at Michael and Michael noticed the tears in his eyes.

"You're scaring me, Luke," Michael whimpered.

Luke sighed. "I've been lying to you, Michael."

"What?" Michael asked.

"When I said I felt nothing in that kiss, I was lying, I felt everything," Luke said, looking at Michael.

Michael was silent.

"It's been driving me insane, you're driving me insane, I've never felt like this Michael, it's like my heart hurts, or I'm nauseous whenever you smile, laugh, or walk into a room. When we lay together, it's like the most peaceful feeling runs over me. I know you have those dreams that aren't just dreams, they're flashbacks. But Michael they've been getting better, haven't they? Maybe that's because you're away from the nightmare, the nightmare that you tried to call home. And I feel like it's because of me, maybe they're going away because I helped you escape. And you know how that makes me feel? I feel like I'm on top of the world, but at the same time I feel like I have gone insane," Luke ranted. 

"It's not insanity," Michael said, he felt his hands sweating.

"If it's not insanity, what is it?" Luke asked.

"It's love."

Luke was silent for a minute, staring at Michael. And then they were kissing. And Luke felt nothing but happiness and peacefulness. He felt good. And so did Michael, he was happy too. He knew he felt something for Luke, and he knew Luke was driving him insane too. But that's what love does to you, it drives you insane.

They sat in that moment, kissing, holding each other, being happy. And then Luke moved it to the bed, with Michael's permission of course, and Michael gave something to Luke that he didn't want anyone else to have, and was glad that it was Luke that took it. (no smut for you haha)

It was all happiness that night, they laid in that bed, holding each other, sharing kisses, and Luke was still confused how different someone could make him. And it stayed like that. All until there was a knock on the door.

"Police, open up."


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