Chapter 7: Finals go wrong★

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I woke up and got dressed, "Dang it! I'm going to be late!" I shouted and ran out of the door. I ran all the way to the area and tripped over Naruto. His hand touched my butt, "You pervert!" I shouted and punched him into the ground. I got up and stood by Shikamaru, "Sorry I'm late," I apologized. The procter told us the rules and Naruto's battle with Neji began, "Good luck, you little pervert," I said patting his back.

Naruto ended up winning his match surprisingly, but I knew he could in the inside. "Kyoko vs. Haru." the procter said and I jumped off the rail. I landed by him and so did she, "Begin!" he shouted and emidiatly did a sound attack.

I blocked, but I flew backwards, "That's all you can do?" she asked cockey, "What happened to all the big moves when you were fighting the other girl?" I having to dodge her attacks, but I came up with a plan to beat her.

I started dodging the attacks better and better, "How you holding up?" I asked her dodging another attack. If I use my teleportation, I'll most likely win, but if I use teleportation, puppetry, and flash step, I'll win for sure. She stopped attacking, so I punched her and she went all the way to the otherside of the arena. I put on my black gloves and walked towards her, and she went at me and I dodged her kick. Her sound attacks got stronger and quicker and I couldn't keep dodging them. When I got hit by one, I flew into the air, "Crap the plan isn't going to work," I mumbled to myself and I teleportedto the ground.

I had to come up with a new strategy and fast, so I sat down on my knee and touched the ground. I figured out a plan, so I got up and Haru attacked me from behind. I fell to the ground and kept doing her sound attack, but I got up, Shadow clone jutsu! I made atleast twenty clones and surrounded her, "So you want to win? Well just find the real me," I told her and she kept using her sound attack on them, like I planned. The last clone disappeared, so I teleported behind her and punched her into the wall.

She hit the wall hard enough to crack it, she didn't fall down though, but got up and she did her sound attack, "You're so stupid! I get stronger everytime you hit me!" Haru shouted and I fell to the ground.

I rubbed my cheek and I felt my band dana missing, "You monster!" I shouted and I felt a sinsation of chakra go through me, "My mother gave me that!" I stompped on the ground and pieces of rock went up. I felt myself lose control piece by piece, You'll thank me for this later, the Nine tails said and I lost control all the way.

Time skip
I found myself looking at Haru, she had no color in her face, "What happened?" I asked myself and all the memories came to me, "I killed her." I found my band dana on the ground I picked it up and put it in my pocket, "Please forgive me I didn't want this," I mumble to Haru and myself as I walked past her. The medics started coming, so I picked her up and place her on the goli. They didn't trust me at first, but then they saw my expression, "I didn't mean to."

"Actually she just needs to stablize her chakra, so she'll be okay," the medic told me and I felt a lot better. I teleported to the stands where Sakura, Ino, Choji, and Yuki were sitting, and looked at Yuki with the 'I lost control!' face.

We went into the hallway and talked about it, while Shikamaru's match was going on, "Did you lose control?" Yuki asked and I looked at her weirdly.

"What else could of happened?! This is why I was isolated from people when I was younger!" I shouted at her with my 'Duh' face. I looked at the floor and put down my band dana, "I thought that I could handle this, but I can't! I just can't! The Hokage was right, I can't hold the Nine tails in forever."

"You can get through this, but first you need to calm down," she said comforting me. She put her hand on my shoulder and I started to breathe in and out. I felt a lot calmer after that, "Now listen to me, you are not going to be alone in this." Yuki commanded and we went back to our seats.

It was now Akira match and I was yelling at her, "Come on kick his ass! You can do it!" I started to screaming at her and I had a vision of her brother, "Akira, that's your brother! So kick his ass even more!"

Time skip
"It's called chidori," Gai explained.

"Hey Kyoko, you can do that to right?" Sakura asked and I nodded back an answer.

"Oji Kakashi, that jutsu isn't to be aken lightly," I said watching the battle. I put the band dana over my face a little bit more.

"Aren't you the one who learned that jutsu when you were five, Kyoko," he said looking at the battle.

"You know why I was ableto learn it, so shut up about it," I told him and he put me in a head lock, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that. I should've yelled it." He squeezed my head even tighter, "Okay, I promise I won't say it again. Cross my heart, hope to die with a thousand needles in a scarecrow!" I chanted laughing and he squeezed my head tighter, "Hey, do you want an apology or not?"

He let go of my head and where the Kage were sitting blew up, "Kakashi, the Hokage!" Gai shouted and a genjutsu was coming.

"It's happening!" I shouted, "So Kabuto, why don't you and Orochimaru's men come out?!" The an ANBU came out, "Stop pretending to be something you're not." I told him and he started to laugh.

"The same to you, you almost killed someone this time. Last time he finished the job with flying colors," he reminded me with his smile hidden under his mask.

"Shut up!" I shouted, "You know that I can't control it! It isn't my fault!" I shouted at him. A few Sound ninjas apearred out of nowhere and I threw a kunai, "Sorry Kakashi, but I have to do something," I said and teleported to Orochimaru.

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