Chapter 16: Old Masters★

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We finally got the seals off the door to their hideout, "Sakura, I think you should try first," I stated and she nodded as she backed up, "Now!" She ran forward and her fist hit the suface and the boulder only cracked.

"How did it only crack?" she asked herself and I walked up to it. I punched it and the boulder fell apart as my fist landed on it, "When you do it-! I hate how you're better than me!" Sakura shouted as I stumbled forward.

"Shizznizz! I didn't think my fist could hurt that ff-much!" I complained as I held my bloody fist in my hand, "That hurts a lot more than it looks!" I saw someone standing at the entrance. Sasori and Deidara were at the enterance.

"What a surprise, Kyoko," Deidara stated and I got angry, "You look pissed."

"How do you know Kyoko?" Naruto asked shouting and I looked at the floor.

"She never told you? She was a member of the Akatsuki," he explained and Naruto looked at me in shock, "Your the Yinchuriki then, well Itachi was right, you were the first to bark."

I walked forward, "I'm the Yinchuriki, I was the first to bark," I corrected and they looked at us in shock, "Orochimaru never told you that was the reason he took me with him. I was his safeguard, incase if you wanted to kill him."

I punched the ground and it cracked all around them, Art is an explosion! I thought as I threw purple clay in the air and it clodided with his and made an explosion. He flew out with Gaara as Kakashi and Naruto ran after him. It was Lady Chiyo, Sakura and I against Sasori.

"Use the Akatsuki's teaching against me," Sasori ordered and I use my Mangekyo Sharingan. He attacked me with his puppet's tail and I blocked it with my kunai, "You remember my teachings, good girl," he answered as I jumped up to dodge his next one. I landed by Sakura and saw her staring at my eyes.

"Sakura, you need to get your head in the game or you'll die," I explained to her and she nodded, "Lady Chyo and I know his moves and techniques, so you will be Lady Chiyo's puppet when he shoots his senbons." Lady Chiyo took out some scrolls and I summoned Kirtito.

Kirito looked at Sasori and growled at him, "I thought you killed that mutt!" Sasori shouted as he got cut. I got a cut on my arm and started to get light head, so I took out the antidote and put it in my arm. I looked at Kirito and he disappeared.

Sakura and I were fighting the third kazekage as a puppet and I punched a gaint metal block into the the top of the mountain. The ceiling started falling in and Sakura destoryed Sasori's soul. I fell down to the ground exhausted and looked over to the others, "I'll catch up with you, now go," I ordered and Sakura nodded.

I saw Tobi come in, "You really are a master of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Sasuke would of had a great teacher if you left with him," he stated in a serious manner and I thought I saw Yuki for a spilt moment. I got up and ignored the rest of his stupid speech as I left in the direction the others did.

I finaly found them and saw Lady Chiyo using a jutsu I knew, "Lady Chiyo, you aren't-!" I shouted as I ran up to her and she nodded.

"I figured out why you look some much like Kyorin," she explained and my eyes widened, "You're her daughter. You do look like that boy she came to the Sand with, Kaname Kuran. They were the sweetest children, she was just like you, hides her feelings. She must of really loved you, giving you up to that beast, the Nine tails."

I teared up and looked in her eyes, "She must of," I stated and smiled. I put my hands over hers and Gaara opened his eyes, "You had us worried for a minute." He looked at me weirdly, then at Naruto, "You're loved more than you know," I stated and his look softened.

"Everyone's waiting for you!" Naruto shouted excitedly and we headed to the Sand village.
I making a squeal!!!! I'll tell you more about it when the time comes!!!!

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