Chapter 18: Kyoya★

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We reached the Sound and Sasuke looked at me, so I closed my eyes and followed Kyoya's chakra, but I sensed someone else's chakra there, it was familiar and at the same time unknown. I went to a house and Sasuke knocked on the door, but when the door opened a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a baby in her arms answered.

"Um....hi, could I help you?" she asked and Sasuke pushed me up to the door, so I nodded as I gulped and slightly smile, "You look familiar somehow, but I can't put my figure on it."

" there a Kyoya Kuran here?" I asked and her eyes widened as I scratched the back of my neck, then a man came up to the door and he stood there in shock as he looked at all of us.

"Whatever you guys are here for you're not getting it here," he replied as he and the woman started to close the door, then I instictly put my foot inbetween the door, like I always wanted to when I was a kid.

I looked at him with a pleading look, "Kyoya, don't close the door on me like when I was a kid!" I protested and his eyes widened as he opened back the door a little, "You have a kid, is that the weird chakra I sensed?"

"No, it wasn't, now leave," he ordered and I pushed open the door, "I told you to leave!"

The woman hid the baby and a little girl around nine years old behind her, "Sasume, you were hiding her from me?" I asked and everyone went quiet.

"Don't hurt us, please," she begged whispering and I looked at her in realization of what was going on in her head, "Please, don't." I looked at everyone who were behind me and told them to leave us alone, then took off my cloak to have on my crop top with the clan crest on my back. The woman sighed in relief and told them it was okay.

Kyoya glared at me and I rolled my eyes, "What do you want?" he snapped and I sighed as I crossed my arms.

"Sasuke, he wanted to find out if Itachi was really ordered to slaughter the Uchiha, but now I want answers too," I explained and his eyes widened as I looked at Sasume, "What really happened that night? And I want to know why you did it."

"I'll tell Sasuke what really happened to Itachi, but you won't get any answers," he replied and I glared at him as he pushed me out.

I fell onto the ground and I looked up to see Sasuke, "He'll tell you what you want to know and that's why you should have came by yourself," I huffed as I got back up and Akira came over to me, "That's why I said it was a bad idea."

Sasuke came out an hour later, "So, did you find out what you wanted to know?" Akira asked and he nodded as Kyoya came out with a glare, "Wow, he's mean."

"Kyoko, I want you to come in to get some answers about what happened that night," he explained and I looked at Sasuke knowing that he's what changed his mind. I sat down on a chair and he told me the story of what happened.

He told me that the clan was going to kill me for a coup de' tat on the clan, so the night before Mom and Dad told him to kill the whole clan and them with it. They said to tell Orochimaru that he could get his hands on a Jinchuriki, so he would come and make it look like he started to work for him.

The night of the masacare they made sure that was the day I would go to school for the first time, so I would get used to the outside world. I came home and had the mark on my forehead covered by my bangs, so he knew I was the Jinchuriki.

Mom and Dad told him to raise Sasume and protect me, so that's why Sasume is here. He went to the Sound Village to get a new start and met Kireina. They got married and had a baby girl named Kaiya.

"So, that's what happened, I had a feeling that you were told to do that," I replied letting it soak in, "Huh, that's probably why I got over my revenge after awhile."

He looked at me in shock, "So, what's going on with you?" he asked and I shrugged as I started to randomly start crying, "Are you alright?"

"No, I left Shikamaru in the dark so I could join the Akatsuki and I saw him in this cloak, he looked so disappointed. The only thing that really hurts about what I did is that I know he won't forgive me," I explained and he rubbed my back, "I just wanted to inflitrate the Akatsuki to get information on their next move."

"You and Shikamaru, huh?" he asked and I playfully punched him in the shoulder, "So, do you love him?"

I shrugged and he smiled as I took out a picture we took in a photobooth at the carnival. He was crossing his arms and sighing with a blush while I was squeezing his face close to mine and doing a peace sign as I grinned.

Kireina came over and laughed as she stared at it, "He's a keeper, trust me," she assured and I blushed as I remembered why were there in the first place, "I know from the look in both of your eyes."

"To think the reason we were in that booth was because Ino told us that couples usually take these kinds of pictures," I sighed as they laughed and Sasuke came up to us.

"We're leaving, the Jinchuriki isn't coming to us," he replied and I rolled my eyes as I hugged Kyoya and left with them.

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