Chapter 13: Students of Lady Tsunade★

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I was healing a hurt bager in the training grounds and as it opened its eyes and ran on to my shoulder. Lady Tsunade saw me and nodded as she came over to me, "Time for you to learn the 100 Healings Seal, it usually takes three years, but since you have a massive chakra already it will take atleast up to a year," she announced and my eyes widened, "This will make your natural strength grow tenfold, but your usual chakra limit will be weakened."

"But....I'm already storing chakra naturally in my Subete Mimasu seal, so I'm going to be even weaker than that," I explained and she nodded as I stood up, "But Shizune said she wasn't able to earn it, so there's a chance I might not."

"Shizune isn't you, so start conserving chakra, Kyoko," she ordered and I nodded as I started to make another part for the 100 Healing Seal, "Good, now you will need to put more chakra into it every few days. But, you will have to be careful when doing surgery or going into missions."

"Right," I stated and I fell to the ground, "I don't feel that great."

"I told you it will make you chakra limit smaller, so your body is trying to get used to it," she scolded and I got back up. My eyes turned onxy since my eyes needed to get used to the change in chakra, "Wow, you really look like Kyorin, she used to travel around and heal people in villages near Konaha."

I smiled, then Sakura came up to us, "Lady Tsunade, I'm ready for our taijutsu training," she explained and Tsunade looked at me.

"Go study those poison handbooks and healing techniques I gave to you," she ordered and I nodded, "Next lesson is in two days." I went to go read them and didn't go to sleep until I read the whole scropion chapter.

I read the books in time for the next lesson and I went to the usual place we studied. I put the books back where they came from and Lady Tsunade came in with Shizune, "I've decided you're going to be a battlefront and poison specialist medical ninja," she announced and I grinned, "You are going to have lessons with Shizune over poisons, but you are going to move up a level in your training with me."

"This is so awesome!" I cheered and they nodded, "Am I going to meditate today for the lesson?"

"Yes, but only for a few hours until I'm done with Ino and Sakura," she stated and I sighed.

"Did I mention I kind of fall asleep after awhile of meditating?" I asked and Lady Tsunade formed a tick mark, so I sat down and meditated.

"Kyoko, I'm done with Ino and Sakura," she stated so I stood up and we went to the training grounds. She suddenly punched the ground, it spilt, and we started to fight, I started having to dodge her punches. I jumped back a few feet, then ran with my fist out. I made a decisive blow to the stomach and she went a few feet away, then I realized Sakura, Ino and everyone else was watching.

"She's actually standing her ground with Lady Tsunade," Sakura stated as I did a black flip to dodge one of her kicks, then I remembered something Kakashi taught me: Force your opponent to do what you want to do, but without them realizing. I started making her go faster and Gai knew what I was doing, then I kicked her into the tree.

"Sorry Lady Tsunade!" I apologized and she smiled as she stood back up, "Was I supposed to beat you?"

"Yes, but I didn't think you'd be progressing this quickly," she stated as everyone started congradulating me, "You're going to surpass me someday, Kyoko Kuran, so make me proud."

"Yes Lady Tsunade, but I don't feel that great," I stated as I fell to ground and everyone gasped, then my eyes turned onxy, "Guess I'm still not used to my chakra limit."

"You did start focussing chakra to speed up your moves, why?" Neji asked and I sighed as I looked down.

"I haven't been able to be as fast as I used to be since my training accident," I explained and he nodded, "I'm just surprised you're all here."

"Sakura heard that you were going to start higher level training and that you were taking a test," Tenten explained and I looked at Lady Tsunade.

"This was a test?" I asked and she nodded as my fist tightened, "I have to go, I have a thing tomorrow."

"That will be medical training," Tsunade cut in and I shook my head.

"Nope, I'll be having a break from your training and work on my speed," I explained and she glared at me, "You want me to get used to my chakra limit, then I'll need my speed."

"Ooo Ooo! We could race eachother!" Lee suggested and I nodded.

I got ready for the race and went to the training grounds where everyone was watching, Lee was waiting at the start line. I waved with a grin as he did a thumbs up and I went to the start line, "The goal is to do one hundred laps, but if you can't take that we'll stop, Kyoko," Gai explained and I nodded as I tightened my hankercheif, then got in my stance, "Ready! Set! Go!" he shouted.

We both started to sprint, then Lee started to pick up the pace. Damn it! Com'on legs, I know you can do it! I started to go faster and went past Lee, then the mark in the sand. One! I went faster and faster, doing lap after lap, but Lee was always a little faster. Everyone was watching as I looked at me feet with tears of pain, then I fell to the ground. Damn it, only Fifty laps! I know I can keep going and beat Lee, so work with me legs!

I got up and started running as fast as Lee, then Lee went faster and faster, so I started going faster. Yes, this is almost my full speed! Com'on I know I can be as fast as before! We we on lap ninety-nine and I was halfway to the finish line, when I fell to the ground and everyone came over to me worried. Lee came over and smiled, "You almost made it!" he cheered and I shook my head.

"Almost isn't good enough, I'm going to cross that finish line!" I shouted as I stood up and started to run as fast as I did before the accident and crossed the finish line.

"Kyoko, why didn't you give up when your legs gave up?" Lady Tsunade asked and my eyes widened, "Your legs told you couldn't do anymore, but you said almost wasn't good enough."

"You can't do a jutsu almost perfectly, it's either you can do the jutsu or you can't. I won't stop trying to go faster until I can't move anymore," I answered and her eyes widened, "You can't go through life almost doing something, because in reality you didn't do it, but tried or thought of doing it. If you have a half full cup, then its also half empty."

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