Chapter 15: Home Coming★

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I walking from the Hokage's office when I got a vision of the one tails getting taken, but ignored it since I've been seeing it for a while. I continued to walk and I bumped into someone, "Kyoko, you've grown up a lot!" a familiar voice stated surprised as they helped me up. I looked up to see Naruto and Sakura talking for the first time in three years. I was speechless to see how much he grew up and matured, "Kyoko, are you okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"I didn't expect you to look so grown up," I explained and he saw how short I was compared to him, "Yeah, I'm short, I get it." He chuckled as I pouted and I eventually laughed too. I told them I would meet up with him tomorrow and started to head home. I walked to where my apartment was and saw Naruto's empty one across from me.

I looked at Yuki's old apartment, she went missing in a mission with me and I never had the guts to let anyone rent it. My family owned the apartment building that I live in, but I'm the soul owner now. It's been a few years since she went missing and now I'm the captain of the ANBU.

I had an idea to surprise Naruto, I was going to clean up his apartment. I unlocked his door and brought some cleaning equipment in his apartment. I started dusting everything and picked up his trash from three years ago. I then fixed his bed and cleaned off his Team 7 photo.

I went to my apartment and layed on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. I had another vision of the one tails and this time it was more vivid and had a stronger pain to it, "It's about Gaara," I mumbled to myself and I started to meditate.

I learned that if I concentrate on one of my visions, then I see the whole vision and in more details. It was the Akatsuki attacking Gaara and taking him to their hideout. They take out his tailed beast and he dies.

I looked outside to see it was morning and a bird fell passed my window, "Holy crap! That was happening now! Dang it!" I complained as I ran out of my door and teleported to the Hokage's Office. I opened the door, "The Akatsuki took Gaara!" I saw that she was with Team 7, "Why is it always with them?!" I asked myself aloud.

"Are you sure?" Tsunade asked as a decoder came in and told her the same thing, "Team 7, you will be on this mission with Kyoko, but no unnessasary risks." I sighed as we hurried to the gates.

"Kyoko, why are you and Shikamaru always together?" Sakura asked and I blushed a deep red, "Is it because you guys are dating?" I blushed even more as I nodded and everyone gasped except for Temari and Kakashi, Kakashi knew since we started dating three years ago.

Temari rolled her eyes, "It was obivious to me," she stated and I kept going. We finally got to the entrance of the Sand villages, but we could head straight in because of a sandstorm, "We stay here," she explained as I saw another vision and fell onto my knees, "Are you okay?"

I nodded and saw Kankuro hurting from poison, "Kankuro, he was poisoned," I stated and she now worried for both of her brothers. The vision finally rolled over and I didn't feel anymore pain as I tried to get up. Kakasi helped me up and we started to head to the village. We finaly reached the entrance to see a shinobi waiting for us.

"Lady Kyoko, I didn't think you'd come," he stated and I rolled my eyes, "You don't like being called that." We kept running to were Kankuro was as he show us the way.

I walked in and saw that Kankuro was in a lot of pain. I walked over to him, felt his head, listened to his heart and looked him in the eyes, "He has a poison enflicted by metal, highly toxic, and the toxine was enflicted three days ago," I hypothesisized and the doctors were amazed, "The dead line is in a few hours. Sakura, you get that poisin out of him while I make the antidote."

"Are you sure that you can find the antidote?" she asked and I nodded, "Okay, but-"

"I know what I'm doing," I assured and she nodded as she turned to the nurses telling them to get water, "I'll be back in a few minutes to help." I went to my bag and grabbed my antidotes I learned from when I was in the Akatsuki. I grabbed the one for his metal poisons and his one that kills his muscles.

I put them in my pocket and went to check on Sakura. She was doing a great job and I was proud of her for keeping calm, "Lady Kyorin?" a voice from behind me asked and I turned to see a little old lady, "I apologize, I thought you were someone else."

"Its okay," I assured her with a closed eye smile, "I have to check on Kankuro though." I walked over to Kankuro and Sakura.

I took a bucket of water and put my hands in it, "That one isn't clean. What are you doing?" Sakura asked and I waved my hands over Kankuro. I used my byakugan to see if there was anything left and started to soak it out of his body, more detailed than Sakura. I put my hand over his cut and soaked out the poison from the opening.

We were headed out to the hideout and Naruto was infront of us all, "Naruto, stay with the group!" Sakura shouted to him and he kept going. I was behind him and felt a tear hit my face, "Stay with the group!" she repeated as we kept going.

"How can someone be that heartless?" Naruto asked himself, "The Akatsuki are targeting people like us and giving us more pain. It makes me sick that someone can do that."

Another tear hit my cheek, "People like us have a dream and it drives us to move forward," I explained, "It's like a mark, Gaara searched for what true love was and found it, and you, Naruto, look for fulfilment making the village see you as something other than that kid." He looked at me in the corner of his eyes.

"What is your mark?" he asked and I looked away, "You seem like you don't have a dream."

I smiled and looked ahead, "I'm mentally scarred and want to know the truth. My dream is to know the truth about my parents," I answered and he stared at me in shock.

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