Chapter 11: Dinner Again★

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I was healing an almost dead fish for the seventh time and was getting better at it. Shizune came in with some poisons in her hand and two books. She handed me the books, "You need to study this book of poisons and need to read the parts of healing in this one," she explained and I nodded, "There is some hope for you after all."

I walked out of the hospital and saw a vision of Sasuke and Naruto killing Sakura by accident. I saw where it was and teleported to it. I grabbed Sakura as Kakashi stopped them by throwing them into the water supply. Kakashi looked at me surprised and patted my head, "You're welcome. Now I'm going to study while you get onto Sasuke," I stated in sarcasism and teleported to my room.

I sat on my bed and read the books as fast as I could. Someone knnocked on the door and I opened it, "So are you coming tonight?" Shikamaru asked and I shrugged, "You reading for you medical studies, what a drag. I would just come and forget about training for a dinner with my family."

"You make it hard to say no, but I have to finish this book by tomorrow, so I can move to poisons," I explained and smiled, "I will be there." I closed my door as he left and started to read about poisons. I finished it in about an hour and got ready for the diner with Shikamaru. I put on a tan dress with my clan symbol on the right bottom of the dress, a tan jacket and my regular boots.

I heard a knock on the door and smiled at who it was, "Kyoko, you didn't have to dress like that," Shikamaru said confused.

"Thank God," I sighed and closed the door and put my regular clothes on. I opened the door and went with Shikamaru to his house. I sat down at the dinner table and smiled at his parents, "Kyoko, how have you been?" Shikaku asked politly.

"Good, I got promoted to chunin and started training with Lady Tsunade to be a medic-nin," I answered as the plates got place on the table, "You?"

"Good," he answered, "This might be rude to ask, but I need to know. What would you fight for if there was another war?"

I choked on my noodles, "Well, everyone would have this idea in their head why they are in this war, but in the end they will fight for survival," I answered and he nodded, "I would fight for the survival of the people who I love...even if that means I die in the process."

"If you choose to die for them, then you'd just be a toy they would manipulate," Shikaku added and I nodded as I finished my ramen, "What made you chose that?"

"I hurt to many people to live with myself. When I chose to betray Orochimaru and he broke my seal, I had to face my fears of losing control," I answered and looked at the empty bowl infront of me, "The demon in my head controled me by fear for so long, but when I faced it, I thought about what I did."

"You are the first kid I've met who answered that question right," Shikaku complemented and I blushed, "Shikamaru, she's okay with me."

My eyes widened and Mrs. Nara giggled, "Shikamaru didn't ask you? He wants to know if you want to go out with him," she explained and I started to laugh as everyone looked at me weird.

"This isn't a joke, is it?" I asked and they shook their heads, "Well, this is embracing."

Mrs. Nara looked into my eyes, "You probably need to think about your answer," she stated and I looked into Shikamaru's eyes, "So?"

I looked deeper and my turned red as I saw a vision of him and Temari together, "I don't know, but I'll think about it," I answered as I got up and went to the porch.

Shikaku came out and sat by me, "You saw the future. You didn't like what you saw, did you?" he asked and I nodded.

"Shikamaru and Temari. I know he doesn't have them now, but someday he'll wake up and realize I'm not the one," I answered and he patted my back, "I want to, but I don't want to be hurt. He doesn't like expressing his feelings, so if we do and he figures out he loves her, he'll stay with me because he doesn't want to hurt me."

"Wow, you can see the future," he stated and I looked at Shikamaru in the house waiting for me, "Your decision."

I got up and went inside to where he was sitting, "Shikamaru, I will think some more about it and then I'll give an answer," I explained and thanked them for the meal. I walked home in the dark and saw Sasuke with Orochimaru's men. I snuck up behind them and tapped Tayuya on the shoulder, "It's be awhile," I greeted and she turned around.

"This isn't your business, brat," she snapped and I glared at her, "Did I get your panties in a bunch?"

"Kyoko, leave," Sasuke comanded and I glared at him as he glared back, "You don't have any buisness here."

"I have every right to be here! I am the only family you have left!" I shouted scolding him, "Plus, it was my mission to bring him back to Orochimaru!" They looked at eachother and I crossed my arms, "I could throw you all the way back to the flith you came from, or I can show you the way to the meeting place."

"How can we trust you?" Tayuya asked and I smirked.

"Tying me up, but only my hands," I answered and she rolled her eyes, "I can't use hand signs if you tie me up."

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