The Female Bodyguard...Chapter 15 (Old)

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A/N-- There’s a bit of a secret coming up in this author! But, you’re going to read it to find up...!

>_< hehehe


Chapter 15

A week after Tyler and I kissed, I hadn’t spoken to him. He and Andy had since then moved into Brodie’s place (purely because of my threat to Brodie) and my place was a little quieter.

Yasmin had almost finished nursing Tori back to health; Tori had started to do more things around the house.

Though, Yasmin had told me she wanted to stay living here with Tori and I, and she would help me pay rent and pay for half the grocery bill.

Tori just giggled when she heard this, saying ‘and I still don’t have to pay to live here!’

While I smirked, Yasmin hit her gently over the head with the magazine she was holding. “If you’re not careful, I’ll make you work to live here. And I’ll even send you to Brodie’s house to do some work there if I have to!”

Tori then shut up, blushing a deep red and walking back to her dark bedroom, where she had all the soft drinks and books she wanted.

“You really don’t have to stay Yas, I mean, it’s nice you wanna stay and help out with the house, but I really don’t need it. I’ve got a steady job plus the extra money. I’m fine. Tori’s fine. You should go home. Talk some sense into that brother of yours.”

Yasmin frowned, and then smiled. “No way, you’re mentally unstable! I mean, you’re trying to kick me out of the house. Me! There’s no way in hell that’s happening!”

I smiled. Yasmin was just one of those friends who wouldn’t let you out of sight for more than three days.

“Yasmin, you’re truly the best friend ever.  No one really sticks around after they truly know me, not even my dad. He’s just such an ass we he wants to be!”

Yasmin stood there, thinking hard for a moment. “You know, you never really told me about your dad. I mean, you haven’t even told me his name.”

I frowned, before stalking over to the kitchen, trying to busy myself by cutting an apple in half, then into quarters and so on. Though, Yasmin wasn’t buying it.

“Oh Sarah! What’s wrong now? Why don’t you want to tell me about your dad? He can’t be that bad? Eh, come on.”

Sighing, I washed the dirty knife and put it away in its draw, before trying to find something else to do.

“Sarah, come on! It’s me, Yasmin, who knows everything about you, except about your dad of course, but that’s because you’ve never told me!”

Scrubbing the already clean dishes, I tried to avoid eye-contact with Yasmin, as I knew she could be very persuasive.

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