Christmas Edition

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Mike was elected to be Santa Claus and Nanaba was Mrs. Claus. Of course, Petra, Levi and I were elected to be Santa's helpers ('cuz face it, we were the shortest soldiers in the corps)

"You have got to be kidding me," Levi groaned as we were handed Elf shoes with bells at the toes.

"This will be well worth the trouble of fitting into green and red striped tights whenever you see the expressions on the children's faces," I said, putting in dangling bell earrings.

He reluctantly put on his jingle bell hat, cheeks a delicate pink.

We left the stable, and Levi walked at my side near the wall. The bells jingled we walked. Oulo stood outside of the stalls, and started to laugh when Levi and I walked in.

"Bite your tongue," Levi said harshly.

As soon as he said this, Oulo bit his tongue as he chuckled.

"I didn't mean for you to take that seriously!"

We mounted our horses, which were adorned with green, red and white garland strands. We rode into the Shiganshina district.

The townspeople were watching our parade through the windows in their homes, and little children hurriedly grabbed their coats and scarves and headed to the sidewalk.

I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out a handful of peppermints and aimlessly scattered them with a flick of the wrist. The children giggled as they raced each other for the free candy, which was rare, even in the capital.

I noticed that Levi's eyes had softened as he watched the children, but the scowl had never left his face.

"Santa!" The children had gasped as the rear of our regiment came into view.

"Wow, he sure is skinny!" A little girl commented.

At the curb standing on a soapbox was a little boy with brown hair and turquoise eyes. He watched excitedly as we passed by, and a little girl with grey eyes, black hair, and a red scarf was standing at his side with a blank expression on her face. I tossed some candy their way as I smiled.

"Look, Mikasa! Peppermint!" The boy said with a grin.

Time skip brought to you by Erwin's inspirational speeches

Levi stood in front of the group of excited children, arms crossed over his chest.

"C'mon, Levi, lighten up," Hanji said cheerfully.

"TCH." He practically rolled his eyes.

I grinned. Really, this was starting to get comical. I shoved a parcel into his hands. He wordlessly handed the gift over to Mike, who handed it to the little girl sitting on his knee.

The little girl gasped to find that she had been given a doll. She threw her arms around Mike's neck saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," Happily she leapt off of his knee from where she was sitting and ran over to her siblings. She handed the doll to her sister, and ran up to Levi. She threw her arms around him, and nuzzled her head against his chest. He looked stunned at first, but smiled and patted the top of the girl's golden curls.

"Thank you for working all year to make the toys, Mr. Elf," she said.

He crouched down to her level, and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's my job," he said softly. The little girl threw her arms around his neck and said, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Elf."

Time skip brought to you by sugarplums

"Good job you did with the kids, Mr. Elf," I said, gently elbowing Levi in the side and winking.

He knelt down and figeted with his felt shoe, and asked, "Rukia?"

"Yeah, Levi?"

He grabbed my hands between his as he knelt.

" You have been here for me, through thick and thin. You helped me find my way out of darkness, and I have been selfish. It seems that I haven't done the same for you, so I wish to repay the favor by making one more selfish demand. Will you marry me? I vow that I will honor and cherish you as long as we both live." He pulled out a black box and opened the top. Inside was a ring with a blue sapphire face outlined with diamonds.

Tears sprung to my eyes. "Of course I will. And you have done as much for me as much as I have for you."

He slipped the ring on my finger, and then I only realized that I had tears running down my face. He cupped my jaw as he stood up. He kissed me tenderly, and people around us started clapping. "The ring is so beautiful," I said between sobs.

"It was passed down for generations in my family."

"Mommy, why is she crying?" A little girl had asked as she and her mother stood there. "People shouldn't clap when someone is crying. It's not nice."

"She is crying because she is really happy right now, Sasha." The mother replied."Come on, lets got home. I made your favorite, scalloped potatoes."

"Yaaay!!!" The girl clapped happily.

Time skip brought to you by potato, potato, potato, po ta to, POTATO...

Levi and I sat on the loveseat in the officers' lounge. He had his arm snaked around my waist. He lazily rubbed circles in my side. The huge rock on my finger sparkled as it caught the light.

There were other people in the room, nonchalantly chatting with another, enjoying the Christmas party.

"Congratulations, Heichou," I said, noting Levi's new rank. Now he was my superior officer.

He smirked, and whispered into my ear. "Now you have to obey my orders, or else there will be consequences."

I had no comeback for that. I was in the same platoon, he was my commanding officer, even if we were engaged.

"Hai!" I stood up and saluted.

"I see. You are a fast learner."

Erwin brought out the champagne, and offered me a glass.

"Thanks, but no. I can't drink the stuff."

Everyone stopped talking all of a sudden, and the room fell quiet. Everyone stared at me with gaping mouths.

My face turned beet red as I put two and two together. Engagement plus saying I can't drink equals bad assumptions.

"I mean, I hate champagne! It's disgusting!"

Levi chuckled over at my side.

So I opted for orange juice, and sprite.

Hanji raised her glass in a toast. "Here's to a merry Christmas and a wonderful start to year 845!"

"Merry Christmas and happy new year!" Everyone echoed.

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now