Valentines Day Edition

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I wish all of my readers and followers a happy Valentine's day, and their special significant other.

Levi's point of view

I checked the calendar in the officer's lounge and did a double take as I saw the date.

February fourteenth.

I started panicking. I haven't gotten Rukia anything yet. Rivielle was easy to get gifts for; all I needed to get her were chocolates.

"Oh, no. Ooooh noooo." I ran a hand through my hair. "Oooooooohhhh nnnnoooooo...."

Petra was passing by as I had my mini panick attack. She gave me a weird look as she held an assortment of boxes.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "Today isn't February fourteenth, is it?"

She looked at me, stunned.

"Yes, heichou. I'm afraid so." *blushes*

"Not good," I mumbled.

I did a mental search of what all I knew Rukia liked.

Soft, cuddly pillows; peony and rose oil scented body wash, coffee, art....

Okay, you've got enough pillows on your bed to supply each person within the walls with one, the entire stock of body wash in your bathroom has got a picture of a flower on it, you have two years' worth of coffee in the cabinets above the kitchen sink, the foyer is a personal gallery. And you don't have a baby sitter for a parent's night out.

But Rukia has never been the material type of girl....she likes romance.

That's when the lightbulb went off in my head.


"Petra, I need to to keep Rukia distracted all day today. I have big plans for this afternoon. And I don't want her to find out."

Rose petals, note cards, my best outfit, check. All I needed were tea candles. Hanji was executing the other part of my plan. This was an advantage, for once. No one, specifically Rukia, went near Hanji's lab.

I was walking outside when I passed Erwin.

"Is everything going according to plan?"

"Yes, Petra has Rukia off for a spa day, and your guest of honor is on their way. I have to hand it to you, Levi. You know how to kill two birds with one stone."

Meanwhile at the spa....

Petra's point of view

"While you're doing her hair, Stacey, I want Miranda to do a full manicure. I want her to look like the goddess she is."

Rukia winced as Stacey pulled her hair through a cap for highlights. Miranda buffed her nails, and started at the manicure.

"Why are we doing this?" Rukia asked.

"You want to surprise Levi, don't you?! I'm sure Rivielle wants a little brother or sister!"

Rukia turned pink, and the cosmetologists started giggling.

"Just you wait, Petra. I'll make sure you go through this for Oulo."

"Huh!?" I shrieked.

"De tables 'ave turned," Stacey said in a thick Russian accent.

"Oulo would chase after a doctor if he knew what was good for him. She'd sew his mouth shut after five seconds."

Mikasa walked into the spa, and said,

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now