Leaving The City

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"But why!?" Rarity whined for the millionth time that day. Her mother rolled her eyes.
"It'll do you good! I'm sick of you messing things up around here! If I find you flirting with another one of those filthy boys again-"
"Mother! Ok, ok. I won't do it again. See? I'm your perfect little daughter again!" Rarity smiled angelically. Her mother turned away quickly, avoiding eye contact.
"Don't try that trick with me again, missy! Now get in the car. I've packed your heels, ok. But there's also those trainers. You can't exercise in heels. But they'll hopefully bring you some comfort. Move it!" her mother hissed.
"Father wouldn't have made me go!" Rarity muttered. Her mum looked up.
"Rarity, your father isn't here! And I'm happy with that! Now get in the car!" she said, raising her voice. Sweetiebelle stood in the doorway and smiled. She loved seeing her sister all sulky. Now perhaps she could get some peace!

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